"Share a Laugh" a Random Posting Thread ~ hosts, Mike & Sally

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Have you ever seen the cartoon Bubble Guppies? My daughter is no longer allowed to watch it when my father is in the room. The icing on the cake was the episode where the fish on a fire engine responded to a FINNED animal in a tree and they used the hook and ladder for the fish to CLIMB the ladder, to get the animal down. All on the bottom of the sea. My father can do NOTHING but critique all the stupid things in the cartoon. He shouts at the TV. It was upsetting, so now it's banned.
I wish i could ban bubble guppies!! all the time!

"what time is it?" grrr
Teenaged boys and there cologne..... wait... no, thats not funny!! Thats torture.... where's my advil?

OMG I hear that!!! worse than working at red lobster on a Sat Night !!!!!!


I love that candy, just can't eat but a few. Too much sugar for me, get shaky. :/

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