"Share a Laugh" a Random Posting Thread ~ hosts, Mike & Sally

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I am trying to socialize my chicks so was taking them out one at a time to sit and watch TV with me. I first sat with Thelma and then brought out Louise. When I turned on the TV, what came on without me even
changing the channels? The movie Thelma and Louise!
I heard this awhile back and thought I'd share....it would be funny to do to someone!

One year at Thanksgiving my mom went to my sisters house for the traditional feast. Knowing how gullible my sister is, my mom decided to play a trick! She told my sister she needed something from the store. While she was gone, my mom took the turkey out of the oven. She removed the stuffing, inserted a small Cornish game hen, reinserted the stuffing, and put it back in the oven. When it was time for dinner, my sister proceeded to remove the stuffing. When her spoon hit something, she reached in and pulled out the little bird. With a look of horror on her face, my mother told her, "Oh no! You cooked a pregnant bird!" It took the family all day to convince her that turkeys lay eggs!
I love this! Hilarious!!!!!! You would have to make sure that it cooked too, or everyone would be mad at you for ruining the dinner. LOL

You are still good for April hatch-a-long. Egg just has to be in incubator or under a broody for one day in April. Sally and I will also be starting one for May.
Woo Hoo! I"m all ready for the May hatch along too. Have a bunch set! I am having so much fun with the April one! It is my first ever, and I'm LOVING it!!!!


I got one of these from all 18 of my first-graders yesterday, after our 2nd last chick hatched. They were so excited! It was just precious. Note to self, stand up when they start hugging, because by the time the 18th kid comes in, it is a little hard to breath. :) So worth it though! One of my favorite teaching moments ever!
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