She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

Have to ask other than raising the humidity how can a lot of rain affect the hatch .? don't put a lot of time in monitoring heat and humidity. throw in the eggs turn it on and see how it comes out . If lower heat is one of the causes of insufficient fluid loss during incubation then I'm about to have a bunch of sticky chicks. Have to say it is nice when you do one thing and things get better . but of course the next set it all goes south again .
Rain can affect it, because it affects the natural surroundings around the bator, so that humidity from outside comes inside and that's where the bator is..
Yep it sure is a pain. 5 days left and then I can put them in with the girls. Better safe than sorry!

I read about putting one from your own flock in with the quarantined ones. I forget what it's called. But you pick one from your flock, about half way through quarantine and put them in with them and then you can see if they develop anything that the new ones might not show symptoms for. Ever try this? I was thinking you could put a girl in with them so you could start collecting eggs sooner but probably to many boys for one girl!
I read about putting one from your own flock in with the quarantined ones. I forget what it's called. But you pick one from your flock, about half way through quarantine and put them in with them and then you can see if they develop anything that the new ones might not show symptoms for. Ever try this? I was thinking you could put a girl in with them so you could start collecting eggs sooner but probably to many boys for one girl!

Hi Ruby
If I did that I would do one on one . but I have the worst luck integrating new chickens into my flocks .
I would not do one female with a bunch of males. At all they could over mate her two or more at a time and really hurt her. It's worth the wait to have it all healthy and safe.
autopsy on those eggs shrink wrap badly membrane stuck to an eye. What appeared to me to be mold. 6 had ducks in them under developed in them 1 real bad. 5 almost there. One was like I first incubated them. A few eggs had blood and vains no duck. Yolk green and black goo. I praying the ones outside with ducks our good. They will not leave both nests.
autopsy on those eggs shrink wrap badly membrane stuck to an eye. What appeared to me to be mold. 6 had ducks in them under developed in them 1 real bad. 5 almost there. One was like I first incubated them. A few eggs had blood and vains no duck. Yolk green and black goo. I praying the ones outside with ducks our good. They will not leave both nests.

Holy moly, that's a lot of eggtopsies! I wonder what happened?

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