SHe's here she's here she's here!!!!


11 Years
Apr 2, 2008
Amazing. I can't believe it.

Cordelia, born 6 pounds 7 oz. Little peanut!

THey broke my water at 9:30 and she was born at 12:59. SHe is wonderfully healthy and beautiful.

The birth was 100% unmedicated. I wish I could have had an epidural but I have this thing about needles and my back... so had to take it raw. She was born awake and curious, though, so it was worth it.... man oh man I wish I could have had something for pain. That. Was.Not.Fun.

Already back to the farm and doing chores. Happy happy happy.

THANK YOU for your prayers, vibes, and support. After losing Olivia last year, this is such a gift. She has brought so much happiness and healing to the family.

I wish I could post pics but I don't know how to do this here. I can only post pics on bulletin boards that have the idiot-proof post a pic button.
Congratulations!!! So happy to hear the good news; may the rest of your life hold nothing but happiness for your family. Cordelia is a lovely name, and I know she's equally lovely, even though there are no pictures.
What b.hromada said X2. My daughter is turning 45 on 11/19. You'll soon be saying the same. How the heck did that happen?

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