Shipped Button/king quail Hatch-A-Long!


6 Years
Jul 14, 2017
My button/king quail eggs had arrived earlier today! This is my first time hatching out quails and i’m both nervous and excited. I will be using the rcom 10 pro without the auto humidity pump. The seller has some interesting mutations, can’t wait to see what they look like.

I ordered 12 and got 15. Out of 15, 4 of them have hairline cracks, 2 of these has saddle air cell. And 2 out of the 11 without cracks has a saddle aircell. They were freshly laid yesterday with some from the day before, so i hope this increased the hatch rate.



(Don’t mind the aquarium lights making everything look purple). I labeled HS for the ones with both hairline cracks and saddle aircell, H for hairline only and S for saddle only. I will be putting them in the bator tomorrow morning. Currently storing them aircell up.


Seller asked me to update if they do hatch and how many. Hoping some will hatch :fl. I will try the candle wax method for the cracked ones as they are barely visible even when candling.
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I have put them in the bator the turner is turning all of them correctly but i will still be watching carefully. I unfortunately broke one with a saddle aircell and crack while i was putting on wax. It was already badly cracked so i guess that is why it shattered so easily.

Decided to put wax on 2 of the cracked one as im thinking the third one isn’t actually cracked enough and that point of the shell is just thinner (just a line). I will be watching these three just in case bacteria went in them.

I am monitoring them with 2 thermometers. Keeping them at 37.5 C with 45-55% humidity.


Bottom pic are the ones with wax
I have candled them today as i could not wait, only 2 eggs were actually light enough to see through and 1 out of those two were growing well so im really hoping the eggs that i can't see inside are developing. think i will just candle them before lockdown as i can't see much anyway. ill just check for non growing or unusual air cell.
It’s lockdown day! 3 eggs are empty 1 looks empty but a bit too dark to see so i left it in. So 11 of them are going into lockdown. I can barely see anything but the aircell. I can see pretty clearly in one of the eggs though and it has veins and is covering most of the egg at this point. All i can do is sit and wait if i did the right thing. Hoping the air cells aren’t too large.
One hatched 3 hours ago. And surprise surprise it was the wax covered egg, it was also badly saddled and had the biggest cracks. He/she is now fluffing back up in the bator playing soccer with the other eggs.

I had to open the bator to help this little guy/gal though as they were unzipping through the wax and had trouble popping out. Opened the bator a bit and quickly put in a wet cloth to keep the humidity high.


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