Shipped Chick - Is this a leg issue or something more sinister?


6 Years
Feb 26, 2018
The North-Eastern Corner of Maryland
I just received my order of 6 EE bantam day-olds from a major hatchery. The PO had them a day too long and the heat definitely got to them. We lost one in-transit. Two have bloody nares ... one significantly. The one with the worst nare has badly stretched legs, as well. They push straight out behind. When I tuck it into a sitting position in my hand, the legs fold readily (not stiff,) but go back when I move the little one. It can't stand or move around at all. It can hold up its' head and open its' eyes, and opens them fully when something interesting ... like food or a finger - comes near. It has not really eaten, yet, but has taken alot of Pedialyte water.
So - should I treat this like spraddle leg? Should I put the baby in a chick chair? Should I do both? Something different? It's awful, but they've been home less than an hour and I'm already attached to this little bugger. I think his/her name is Stretch ... cause, stretched out, this is one looooong little baby! KIMG0114.JPG KIMG0112.JPG KIMG0113.JPG KIMG0115.JPG

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Oh no! I'm so sorry about the shipping issues (ugh it's never fun). That doesn't look like spraddle leg, because usually it swings out to the side. Have you checked for slipped tendons? It looks like they might be dislocated or something. I would use a chick chair and try to position it's legs correctly. Put food and water near it so it can easily access it. It could also be a brain issue. Overheating can lead to several problems with chicks, including permanent brain damage. It looks pretty bad though... @Eggcessive can you help?
Oh no! I'm so sorry about the shipping issues (ugh it's never fun). That doesn't look like spraddle leg, because usually it swings out to the side. Have you checked for slipped tendons? It looks like they might be dislocated or something. I would use a chick chair and try to position it's legs correctly. Put food and water near it so it can easily access it. It could also be a brain issue. Overheating can lead to several problems with chicks, including permanent brain damage. It looks pretty bad though... @Eggcessive can you help?
How do I check for slipped tendons? I have no idea what to look for. The pictures look awful, but the baby is actually pretty perky. As long as little Stretch wants to survive, I'll do whatever I need to assist.
I think this is due to shipping stress, and there may be dehydration and possible neurological symptoms. Can you get vitamins or a combo electrolyte vitamin, such as Poultry Cell, and give her 2 drops? Vitamin B complex tablets for humans if you have it is good to crush up and give orally with water 1/4 tablet daily. Dip her beak often as you can to get fluids into her. A mix of chick crumbles and water fed ro her would be good as well.
I think this is due to shipping stress, and there may be dehydration and possible neurological symptoms. Can you get vitamins or a combo electrolyte vitamin, such as Poultry Cell, and give her 2 drops? Vitamin B complex tablets for humans if you have it is good to crush up and give orally with water 1/4 tablet daily. Dip her beak often as you can to get fluids into her. A mix of chick crumbles and water fed ro her would be good as well.
Thank you. We have her in a chick chair at the moment and are giving her electrolytes as often as she'll take them ... she's very good about drinking. Eating? Not so much. I was able to get a bit of Gro-Gel into her - not much, but a bit. I mixed up some poultry vitamins (in water) and will give her those, as well. With this heat, I think all of my birds would benefit from a good dose, so that's tomorrow morning's project. I'll mix some crumble with her water, too and see if I can get her to eat.
THANK YOU! This little baby is a fighter. As long as she fights, so will I!
It might be good to give her a little extra vitamin E tomorrow for neurological symptoms. You can use up to 400 IU of E daily given orally. Hopefully, the chick chair will help her. Here are some examples and many have food and water containers in front.
I lost the little stretched out chick, this morning. She hung on through the night and took some fluids this morning, but wouldn't eat. She was very quiet, too - a big change from yesterday. The two others with bloody nares are looking better, but one is still wobbly. I'm waiting to see what Meyer is going to do about the losses. I HATE this part of chicken keeping!
I lost the little stretched out chick, this morning. She hung on through the night and took some fluids this morning, but wouldn't eat. She was very quiet, too - a big change from yesterday. The two others with bloody nares are looking better, but one is still wobbly. I'm waiting to see what Meyer is going to do about the losses. I HATE this part of chicken keeping!
:hugs So sorry you lost her. It’s tough.

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