shipped eggs


Poultry Lit Chaser
10 Years
May 19, 2009
Hi Everyone,
It's been years since I have hatched shipped eggs. I have 18 now. from 1-11 days old. I know they need to rest for 24 hours. Question, do I turn them while they are resting? They have been carefully handles and judiciously turned by their breeder before I picked them up today. Then they had a 4 hours trip to our house. They are Light Sussex eggs. What should be my beginning temp and humidity? I know I need to adjust it later. Just don't remember what the beginning temp and humidity should be. I have three hygrometers and a pan of water one inch deep ( metal brownie pan) in the cabinet incubator.
Thank you! Well it was a long drive home. And the freeway was rough in places. I had them ensconced on the rear seat of our RAM Quad cab so suspension as good , but still a long drive. I don't know how much that drive equates to shipped chicks. I only have one chance this season to restart the flock and I have to get it right.
Thank you! Well it was a long drive home. And the freeway was rough in places. I had them ensconced on the rear seat of our RAM Quad cab so suspension as good , but still a long drive. I don't know how much that drive equates to shipped chicks. I only have one chance this season to restart the flock and I have to get it right.
Minimum time I have read to rest eggs is 6 hours. If your eggs air sacs look ok.
I'm new at this, so I'm watching to see what advice you get! What I've read is to rest them for 24 hours and if your incubator has an auto turner leave it off for the first 24 hours of incubation or don't turn them if you do it manually.
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autoturner should likely stay off for the first 24.

I am by no means a experienced. I can only relay information I have read and experienced from my first failure in incubation.

Being as you have varing stages of development I am hoping someone gives you more information than I can.
I've never rested my own eggs Though I would give yours 24 hrs but I don't start turning until day 3 in the incubator . Also I candle only on day 14 wearing sterile gloves, the shells are porous and even clean hands can transfer bacteria.
Also any egg that is older than 10 days before you start incubating is usually too old to hatch and is at risk of exploding and ruining /killing the rest of the eggs with bacteria.
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Its been years since I incubated shipped eggs.

Now another issue has arisen. We are in for a heat wave this weekend until next Tuesday. Temps will be from 95-102. The cabinet incubator is in the cement block garage and unable to be moved to air conditioned environment. There is an apartment over the garage so that will help keep the roof of the garage cool. I can keep heat on the eggs but what do I do if the outside temp reaches above 100? We both work full time and if this happens it will be while we are at work. This is a larger homemade wood incubator with a wafer thermostat, capable of hatching 120 eggs. It has 3 vents on the top I can open to adjust temp.. I have 3 digital hygrometers in it. I need these eggs to hatch. It is my last chance to restart this flock this year. Thanks for your help!

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