Shipping boxes - need a couple suggestions


7 Years
Jun 13, 2012
New Castle, VA
I am looking for USPS shipping boxes for minimum-weight past day-old chicks (what is it - six oz?) to approx. eight week old welsummer crossbred. Usually at this age, they'll weigh around a pound or a little more (based on weighing one or two I have left, but that weight might be off), and they would fit in a 10" tall box, so I suppose it would be best to get boxes that will be about that tall. I get calls for varying numbers - anywhere from one or two to ten or more. I'd like to stick to just one or two styles of boxes - something that'll accommodate two or three and something that'll accommodate ten or more. I'm wondering for the larger boxes if I should get slightly taller boxes to accommodate older chickens, but honestly I almost always sell out by the time they get to be about six weeks, so I'm not sure I'd need them very tall.

Suggestions? I want them to be comfy and safe without having too much extra space.


Cathy Sizer
Welsummer crossbreds
New Castle, VA
Styrofoam layer on the bottom and a small amount of pine shavings on top :)
If it's cold there, try a shake and rub warming pack underneath the styrofoam.

Trust me, i have experience with shipping chicks.

Best of luck :D
Thank you for your reply, actually I had not thought to use styrofoam (sheeting?) in the bottom of the box for day olds, I'll keep that in mind.

But I really wanted to know about what size boxed to pick out for started chicks. (-:
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