Should I Be Worried? Mixing Ages...


12 Years
Mar 10, 2011
Northeast Pennsylvania
I'm new to chicks - I read a lot but real life experiance eludes me...

I just picked up some day old/2 day old "Ameracuana" chicks from TSC today. I was worried about putting them in with my 2 week old Amberlinks and 1 week old Tetra Tints, RSLs and BLHs. The BLHs go crazy when anyone is around the brooder and try jumping out - hence jumping on the new chicks. Otherwise, the TTs, BLHs and RSLs are not really bothering the chicks. The Amberlinks are the oldest and the biggest. They are not being nice to the new chicks at all - I didn't want RIRs or RIR crosses because of their aggression. They are chasing them out of the food and water (they are getting in eventually, but the ALs like to chase them around a bit), pecking them on the heads and I saw the one AL try to "grab" one of the new chicks with her foot. Since the new chicks are so small, should I separate them for a few days or just ignore their frantic little chirps and let them work it out?
They'll just go through it all again when you put them back together, so I wouldn't separate them. I would provide two feed sources, though.

Every addition to the flock, even in a brooder, starts the pecking order process again. And it will have to be re-established yet again when they move outside to the coop. Any new member or any new location requires the establishment of a new pecking order even if it ends up exactly the same as before!

I have mixed different ages as much as 3.5 weeks difference. Just keep an eye on the youngsters, check more frequently to ensure there is no blood spilled. If not, just let them work it out. It is The Chicken Way.
I had to separate mine when I could see the bald spots forming--when it's relentless, I would separate them. Especially that young. I noticed my chicks went through the pecking order bit at 2-3 weeks, so if the older ones are doing it and the younger ones are just terrified and too small to fight back...It doens't seem fair, to me, to subject the day-olds to harrassment by older chicks.

I found that I had to wait to join the 2 flocks when the younger ones had caught up to the older ones in size.
If it gets bad, I will separate. Sadly, I only have 2hrs to observe them before the "Friday + Kids = Mad Rush" begins. I think the bigger chicks are just doing the typical running them over in the brooder now, not really chasing them or pecking them anymore. I'll just stay as vigilante as possible! Poor little girls... The big girls/boys are jealous!
right now I have 2 3 week olds in with my 1 week old bantam cochins and silkies and my 5 day olds that I hatched they all get along fine. The older ones kinda mother the smaller ones and 1 is a roo. When I hatched some BSL/RIRs and some bantam cochins that were about a week or so apart I put a screen in to separate them for a few days but they could see each other after a few days I removed the screen and they were fine.
I don't have a 2nd heat lamp - but if I separate, it will be the single Amberlink that will be moved - the one I call Blue Legs. I have 150w bulbs and a 2nd clamp light.

The one other Ambers are trying to sit on them and the rest are actually trying to kind of protect them. Blue Legs is just running around attacking anyone she thinks is getting something she isn't but the larger ones can defend themselves.
I put 2 two day old chicks in with my almost 4 week olds. They never had a problem. I listened for chicken squabbles but really got nothing. (they are in the office right next to my bedroom, Momma hears it ALL
In fact I took one of the littlest ones out for about an evening because I had a chick hatch all alone and it was not happy. You should have heard the ruckus from the big brooder box...dear god you would think I had stolen their leader...
Just keep an eye on them and they should be ok.
I'm fixing to mix mine together too. I have some that are 2 weeks old and some that are a week old. I hatched the 2 week olds and bought the week olds at the feed store. I've had them separated but I'm going to put them all in a new brooder (dog kennel) tonight. Hope it works out!
As long as they aren't injurying one another I would leave them together. If you see blood remove the injured chick or they will continue to pick it until it's beyond help. I have 2 day old ducks with 2 week old bantams with 3 week old Turkens and bantams. No problems with them. I do have a 5 week old chick born to a mama chicken that the younger chicks don't except and the older chickens don't like. She is turning out to be a great pet for me because she is lonely and enjoys my company. I will also add that the pecking order starts very young. One of my 3 week old Turkens has already taken his place as King Roo with the chickies. He even gave my 1 year old cochin bantam a piece of his mind. He maybe the first roo to go. He's so ugly he's cute but he's already too protective for my liking. Good luck with your chickies. I bet they will work it out.

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