Should I be worried?

Thank you for all the advice, I've successfully given her the first dose of extra calcium, & it was so much easier than I thought it would be! Probably helped she thought she was getting a treat the others miss out on 😅

Hopefully this is all that is needed to sort out whatever is going on 🤞🏼

P.S- I promise, if you look past her angry little face, she is the sweetest girl 🤣


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Hope this will work out just fine. Please keep me/us updated about the eggs. 🥚 I wish I knew this trick when I had a hen with a similar problem. She was a funny and smart chicken and I miss her circus acts to please us for a few mealworms.
Hope this will work out just fine. Please keep me/us updated about the eggs. 🥚 I wish I knew this trick when I had a hen with a similar problem. She was a funny and smart chicken and I miss her circus acts to please us for a few mealworms.
I definitely will xx We love all the girls, & my little roo is my fav, but this beautiful girl is extra special to us, because very shortly after we got them, she managed to get herself stuck in some fencing...she was hanging by only her neck & was very very close to dead when we went to check what the dogs were trying to tell us. She took 3 huge deep breaths when hubby lifted her, her eyes were rolling around, & I was certain she was going to die. I wrapped her up in my jacket & held her until her breathing returned to normal, & then tried to put her in a crate to rest. She wouldn't settle in that though, & I thought maybe it was because she could hear the others, who were all calling for her. So I took the crate to the main yard to let everyone see she was ok, & by that afternoon, after some wobbly feet for a moment, she was back doing what she does best, bossing everyone around & making her presence known 🥰

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