Should I be worried?


6 Years
Jun 19, 2013
Little town in Arkansas
I went to let out the chickens this morning and 3 of my hens and my Speckled OEG bantam all have runny noses and my Roo sounds like he might have a cough but I am also wondering if it is just him getting ready to crow. He has not started yet. We are trying to stay away from antibiotics but If i had to what would you suggest? Any help is much appreciated seeing as how I am a newbie.
I have found an amazing alternative to antibiotics. I first began to use it for myself and my family this past winter. It has healed my children of pink eye, strep throat. Flu and upper respiratory infections were stopped dead in their tracks. It is totally safe for humans and recently I just discovered for pets as well! I am comfortable sharing this info because I have tested it on myself and my children with 100% amazing results. There are absolutely no side effects with this product. It is available in a liquid and also a gel which is amazing for wound care (also tested with 100% effective results on myself and my family). It's called "Silver Sol" (Not to be confused with Colloidal Silver which is a similar product but not nearly as effective or broad spectrum as "Silver Sol"). I would NEVER, EVER promote something that I have not successfully tried out on myself first. There has been research done by a litany of universities and labs and ALL have proved this to be incredibly healing stuff. You can read the research for yourself here: On that page, you will see a summary of each study and then a link is provided for the entire study. Please feel free to research this product for yourself. And keep in mind that you have my testimony to back the research you see. It will kill any bacteria, virus, or fungus in or on your body without killing ANY of the good bacteria that messes up your gut like antibiotics do. The reason why, is that the good bacteria "flora" produces it's own protective coating so it won't be destroyed in stomach acids. Antibiotics are able to break through this coating which is why we need to add probiotics to our system while and after taking them. Silver sol on the other hand does NOT penetrate the protective wall of the flora (good bacteria). It is fascinating science and it's all at your fingertips. Go here and you'll see the explanation of how it works as an alternative to antibiotics (or in some cases, in tandem with antibiotics to increase their effectiveness 10 fold). As for using it with pets?....Go Here (notice on this site on the left side as you scroll down, all the things that it treats!!!). It can be purchased in health/vitamin stores but I have found that this site has better prices than the health stores where I live. It may be different for you. Lastly, it is "Silver Sol" you want an not "Colloidal Silver". If you have any questions, please feel free to pm me. If or when my hens get sick, I fully intend to treat them with this product. Never again will I put an antibiotic in my system, or those of my children or pets.
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If I saw cough/sneeze and runny nose--I would just watch. If I later see bubbles in eye, crusty eye drainage, or swelling around eye, face, beak, I would get some Tylan 50 (not 200), and give a 1/4 ml. shot in the breast muscle daily times 3 days. It also can be given by mouth same dose for 7 days. For a large fowl give 1/2 ml. Don't forget to buy syringes.
Thanks a ton!

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