Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

sneaky Louise. very sneaky. smh. November hatch.

Well, you must really be hating that!
What an adorable baby! You should name them Tribble1, Tribble2, etc... Fingers crossed for pullets.
In other news... I got the floors mopped today, and I added an access door to the duck run. It should be big enough to get a dish in there for swimming. I will get a pool when I can. Go figure! I always hated that baby pools now have those little slides/ramps in them. Now I'm glad! Easier for the ducks to climb out.
Today I realized that I wanted to go away for the New year. From the 31st-the 3rd. That means if anything happens to the ducklings, I won't be able to do anything.
I PMed a woman on Facebook that has my turkeys and chickens. She'll come over if I call. There is a woman on here that said she would help, but is too new. I told her she had to learn sometime! Besides, any help is better than no help. Her husband had Pekins as a kid, and wants some in the spring (sounds like permission to hatch a lot to me!!). I PMed her, and asked if she's close enough to help. I'll hide a key and maybe a small gift. I plan on having a camera on the incubator. If I see a problem, I'll see who is available to get over here. I'm not asking the neighbor, but she will be called as a last option.
Otherwise, they should hatch on the first, and be fine until I get back. I'll use sponges for humidity, but leave a bowl of water with marbles in there before I go in case they need it.

Are you sure your new ducky will be laying?
oh man... it's a wrench... thank goodness it's been unseasonably warm and should stay that way for about the next 2 weeks, a few chilly overnights, but they are safe in her igloo. bet all will be boys. that'd be my luck.
Yes, I have every reason to believe that she will be laying. I have never had a bird not lay when coming here. Sometimes their very first eggs are within 24 hours!

Cheeka, they will probably all be girls.

the rest of her eggs are tapping and rocking this morning. it's quite chilly outside, but cozy in the pen and warm in the igloo... hope to find more fluff-buttons when I get home from work!

my sweet Cuckoo Marans, Genvieve, was put down yesterday. her crop difficulties became too much, she was becoming very thin, I knew she wasn't digesting. she had a good life, if a difficult end. she was still eating and drinking and trying to be normal right to the end, quite the fighter. but her suffering was indeed great. her crop was full of tumors. pretty gross.

eta, Genvieve is November in my 2016 Cheeka's Basket calendar...
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my sweet Cuckoo Marans, Genvieve, was put down yesterday. her crop difficulties became too much, she was becoming very thin, I knew she wasn't digesting. she had a good life, if a difficult end. she was still eating and drinking and trying to be normal right to the end, quite the fighter. but her suffering was indeed great. her crop was full of tumors. pretty gross.

eta, Genvieve is November in my 2016 Cheeka's Basket calendar...
I am so sorry to hear about Genvieve Cheeka! :(
Sorry for poor Genevieve. Not to focus on the morbid, but did you put her down yourself? I am still struggling with that, even when I know it is in the best interest of the bird.
I did not do it myself, but I came
this close to doing it... she was suffering, it was just not fair, but my friend came when I called. I had isolated her so there would be zero confusion, and left for work. he did the deed, and I did not ask how. he has a good heart, I'm certain it was swift. I did ask him to look in her crop before he took her away. that's how I know it was full of tumors. he's processed many birds, and has never seen anything like it. poor baby.

speaking of babies... #2 is here. might be more, I didn't poke around. all buff colored.


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