Should I Help this Chick???


Mar 3, 2023
I have a chick that pipped about 24 hours ago. It is on the wrong side of the egg and has very slowly opened the egg a small bit, but now it’s like he can’t move or something and just keeps pushing up, he isn’t turning or anything like that. It is day 22 if that is any more information you need. I’ll attach a photo, please tell me if I should leave it or help!!


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Just an update when I shined a light he got more active and started to peck more, but it’s like he is going backwards/diagonal.


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I’m not sure, I don’t want to open the bator due to two others that have pipped. If I need to I will throw a rag in there right after, but that is my last resort at the moment.
how is the chick doing???? When they pip on the wrong end it is like an internal and external pip so can take twice as long to hatch as just a normal external pip.
how is the chick doing???? When they pip on the wrong end it is like an internal and external pip so can take twice as long to hatch as just a normal external pip.
He has unzipped quite a ways from the original picture, but it is very slow and he seems really tired to finish at this moment.


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So this morning I finally decided to help, and I’m positive that if I didn’t he would have never hatched. I picked away the shell piece by piece and it was like it was glued to him. Using water and a q-tip I slowly but surely got him out. The only problem is that it seemed he didn’t finish absorbing his yolk entirely so there was a tiny bit of it still stuck to him and a small bit of blood. I had just started to finish the unzip for him originally until he started to flail around and showed he couldn’t get himself out. The yolk bit is about the size of a raisin and the blood is very minimal. He’s chirping like crazy and wandering all over so I hope he will make it. I know plenty of people say to stop once you see blood, but I didn’t until the end and at that point he was just trying to get the shell off of him.

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