Should I Kill Double Frizzles??


12 Years
Jun 18, 2007
I have two double frizzles, bad genes. (Thanks Mc Murray) They are both naked and ugly. That isn't what worries me thou. They will spend their life outdoors and will sunburn very badly (I live in Southern California). Do you guys think its more humane to kill them or try to keep them going? One has a bit more feathers then the other one but they are both looking pretty bad. Its really to bad they are both nice birds. Their sister looks amazing and is a keeper.

:eek: Bubba :eek: personally....I would NOT cull them. I have a frizzle....she is now just over a year old. She was pretty sorry looking untill her first molt...which she just went through...and now she looks GREAT! I will try to get some pics tomorrow.
If you're worried about sunburn, run down to Petco and get some cute little sweaters for them...we have some really neat ones on clearance...
I just wouldn't breed them to another frizzle...
If they're double frizzled, then they're frazzled and a lot like me...

You could always give them away to someone that would make them housechickens...
You were born naked and your Mom didn't kill you!

*Just kidding*

I'd try keeping them to see how they turn out, or rehome them.
I wouldn't just kill them.
I like the sunscreen idea, there is a spray on sunscreen to make it easier to put on. Oh boy, I wished we lived closer... I would take them in a heartbeat. Are they girls? Is there any way to keep them in a covered coop? Please post some pics.... we want to see.
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i don't know what a frizzle is either

would vitamins help? they helped our peacocks feathers look better. well that is our theory as to why they look better

but don't kill them , find them a home instead.
if you can't or don't want to keep them.
It seems like it's mostly Cochins, but some Polish can be frizzled too.

Frizzling is a mutation, so it can come up in any breed. When buying them from hatcheries, you will most likely get Cochins.

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