Should I shoo off nest to candle?


Apr 29, 2021
Spokane, WA
My Craiglist hens and gander are all supposed to be only a year old so I assume any eggs are infertile. However Ethel has not gotten off the nest long enough for me to attempt to candle to confirm viability. I can scoop poop right next to her and she'll give me the stink-eye and maybe hiss at the shovel so this may involve actually picking her up and moving her. Is it worth it? Egg-sitting is past the two week point -- would they have exploded by now if they are bad? Do I shoo, or do I leave her to do as nature intended?
They’re fertile at a year old.

You can shoo her off, she’ll return as soon as she gets the opportunity. 2 weeks isn’t long enough to explode, at least that’s my expierience.
I have the kindest Chinese ever. She let me just pick her up and carry her outside. 14 fertile eggs at different stages of development. 2 may be dead but I don't want to risk pulling them -- they have veins but are sloshy. There was a lot of yelling for the gaggle after I put her down, which she joined for about 3 minutes then ran back when I exited the nesting zone.

1 year old ganders can do the deed after all. Or maybe he is 2 or 3 or who knows with Craigslist.

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