Should I take newborn chicks away from broody hen?


Feb 15, 2022
Hi there!
I have four eggs under my Silkie naked neck hen. I have her in the laying box and put a separating wall away from the rest of the flock. She hatched one yesterday and I moved the chick to a brooder box inside. Now she has hatched two more, so one more egg to hatch.
I have read that hens can raise the chicks themselves, however, I’m worried because I live in Canada and it is winter.. so I’m thinking it may be too cold for the chicks. I do have a heater in there, but I’m not sure it’s enough for the babies.
What does everyone think? Raise them indoors (which I have done in the past) or keep them with momma hen for a while..?
Hi there!
I have four eggs under my Silkie naked neck hen. I have her in the laying box and put a separating wall away from the rest of the flock. She hatched one yesterday and I moved the chick to a brooder box inside. Now she has hatched two more, so one more egg to hatch.
I have read that hens can raise the chicks themselves, however, I’m worried because I live in Canada and it is winter.. so I’m thinking it may be too cold for the chicks. I do have a heater in there, but I’m not sure it’s enough for the babies.
What does everyone think? Raise them indoors (which I have done in the past) or keep them with momma hen for a while..?
We kept them with our broody in -5 degree weather and he’s fine now lol so I would say yes as long as there’s not much snow then yes
Should I put the one I took away back to the hen? It’s been 24hrs since I took it away to put it in the indoor brooder
Yes, put in back so it will imprint to the hen as its mother.
She will keep them warm. You might have to do a little special set up so the chicks get only their chick starter and not adult poultry feed for at least 4 weeks. Its very important!
They need that special nutrition so there bones develop correctly and starter is packed with all they need.
Also water. Make sure they have access to a chick waterer, but not to an adult waterer type that they could drown in.
Thank you! Do you think I should bring the mom and all chicks and put them all in the brooder indoors to keep an eye on them and make sure they are warm? She’s in a laying box which is higher than the ground so I’m just worried that a chick may flop out and not be able to get back in
Hummm, hatching up high is a problem.
Chick falls out and dies of exposure.
Hen has choice to leave some to save one, or not.
Chick unprotected on floor may get pecked to death by other chickens, Yes that happens.
If you have a separate set up maybe it's best to move them to a safer area.
Your hen will keep them warm no matter where she is. Dont use a heater. They are to dangerous and unnecessary.
If she was able to brood them to hatch she is able to keep them warm enough. Chicks do not need to be kept warm 24/7, but rather have the option to have somewhere warm to go if they feel chilled. A broody hen provides just that for them.
Thank you everyone! I have placed the chick back with mom. So she has three babies and one on the way. I have her in the laying box with food and water and will keep an eye on them. I placed a box in front so the chicks won’t flop out.


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Hi everyone,

I’m am so sad to say, we have had two chick deaths. I am not sure why.. I’m thinking the mother is smothering them by accident. They have access to food and water and the temperature isn’t an issue because I moved the family inside the house to keep an eye on them after I found the first chick dead. Is it time to take the mother away and keep the remaining two chicks indoors??

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Sorry that you lost 2 more chicks. You would be the best judge of knowing whether to raise them yourself in a brooder or not. If another dies you would be stuck raising a single chick, and it would be lonely. If they stay with the broody, she may or may not protect them. Can you bring all 3 of them inside?

How long has she been sitting on the unmatched egg? Did you date them and set them all under her on the same day? Broodies need to take their babies out to forage for food and water by the second or third day. If she is still sitting, they may not be getting enough. Can you give some Poultry NutriDrench or electrolytes with vitamins?

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