Should I warn neighbor that dog might get shot?

Yep, it's against the law to shoot any domestic animal just for coming onto your property.
No one on here said a dog passing through would be shot. One that is actively killing livestock is another story.
Too many times have I seen peoples pet dogs get through 5 strand electric fence and attack sheep. They rip one down, and go for another one. Been many a "pet" that never made it home. Landowner tried the law the first few times. Took people to court, lawyer fees and the general BS weren't worth it, and didn't work. Some of his sheep were from New Zealand and cost upwards of 15k after shipping and quarantine.
SSS was easy and less expensive.
I don’t know why people are so resistant to call animal control. That’s WHY they are there. Here in CT they take the dog, fine the owners and in some cases penalize them financially. The AC is a record of your legal path to secure your livestock. The first fine is $50 and second offences up the fine accordingly. 2 dogs wondered into my yard and although they were friendly enough, they would rial up my dogs. The 3rd time I called AC and I’m glad I did. When they returned at 3 am a fight ensued and the dog was injured by my dogs. Thankfully, that call proved that the dogs were not under control by the owners and I was not penalized and my dogs were not taken away.
☝️ That's what I was responding to, thanks Beloved.

IMO There's nothing wrong with shooting a dog that is killing livestock.
The OP has said multiple times that they don't want to shoot the dog, but predictably 100 people have to reply about shooting dogs. That's how it goes around here 🤣
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Two dogs came into my yard today and chased my chickens and killed one of my roosters. I kept them away with my next door neighbor with a stick and shovel. I wasn’t upset at first, but they came back and tried to get more. I think they belonged to two different neighbors because they kept driving by and one time I heard one car saying I don’t know whose brown dog that is. Then the other car kept circling the block. When the dogs came back one had bubbles all over its chin so my husband got the gun. The dogs ran away but when the neighbors drove by again I yelled, “if your dogs keep killing chickens they’re going to get shot”. I don’t want to shoot any dogs but my husband said I probably shouldn’t have told them that. I’m from a middle of nowhere small town where no one gave a warning. If there was a dog getting the chickens, it would just be a sad day for the dog. What advice or opinion do you have? I am a fairly new chicken owner.
I caught a dog that had killed several chickens, and told the owners they were lucky I didn’t shoot her, but next time, I would. And, I did. She was moving so I only got her in the shoulder, but it was Memorial Day weekend and I’m guessing the emergency vet 45 mins away cost a fortune. They put up a fence but were careless about locking the gate, so she’s been back, twice. However, they were hot on her trail yelling “get the dog, get the dog”, so she hasn’t gotten any more of my girls. Haven’t seen them in over 6 months, now. But, shooting is very effective. Unfortunately, sometimes, it becomes the only answer. Once a dog finds chickens and starts killing them, they keep coming back until stopped
Shoot or injure the wrong dog and you could get in a world of trouble with a neighbor that knows the law or has sway with local government/law enforcement.
My husband shot a deputy sheriff's dog (neighbor) on our property, chasing our chickens. Trying for a kill shot, missed and injured it. That dog and its sister hurried back home. Deputy and husband had agreeable phone conversations during and after. Deputy never said what happened to the injured dog, but we haven't seen it since. The sister had to be put down due to unrelated health issues. We're still on good terms with the neighbor.
I don’t know why people are so resistant to call animal control. That’s WHY they are there. Here in CT they take the dog, fine the owners and in some cases penalize them financially. The AC is a record of your legal path to secure your livestock. The first fine is $50 and second offences up the fine accordingly. 2 dogs wondered into my yard and although they were friendly enough, they would rial up my dogs. The 3rd time I called AC and I’m glad I did. When they returned at 3 am a fight ensued and the dog was injured by my dogs. Thankfully, that call proved that the dogs were not under control by the owners and I was not penalized and my dogs were not taken away.
In many areas, there is no animal control. Even if there is, often the dog is long gone before they show up. Not every dog is going to come to a stranger that is screaming at the top of their lungs because it's killing their chickens. It tends to scare them off. A dog that wanders in and isn't doing any harm is more likely to come to some friendly calling.

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