should i worry??


Aug 7, 2021
ok so i live in a urban area and the only predators i have around is cats and crows i have a lemon tree it had a bird make a nest in it and i checked on her everyday didnt go close but could see her tail from far now last night i checked on her she was sitting but this morning i saw she was gone and i thought it was weird she left so for some reason i looked down and saw her dead she had some feathers ripped apart and didnt have a neck or a head im pretty sure it was my neighbours cats they have 5 of them and i think my flock might be at risk now i have a broody with chicks and 2 around 13 weeks old chicks should i be worried? ive been thinking about complaining about them because they always leave their poo all over the backyard and its been annoying me for about 8 months
the thing is the bird was sitting on some eggs and now they are most likely dead but the father or the other bird isnt coming only one came to the nest and it got killed the eggs were developing i candled them if i had a broody i wouldve put them under her and since i live in a urban area theres not any predators expect cats or crows (when i have chicks)
I'm sorry for your loss! I thought raccoon ar first but I didn't know Australia doesnt have raccoons 🤔
Best keep an eye out for them just in case the predator does come back.

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