Shouting from the Rooftop!

Apr 30, 2018
Tooele, UT
Despite me doing absolutely EVERYTHING Wizzygig did it!!!!!

Today, which is day 21, I was determined to find out if there were going to be chicks...Like I said...I did absolutely everything wrong!

First, didn't move Wizzygig off of the nesting box when she went broody...didn't know to do this until it was too late!

Second, put fertilized eggs under her still in the nesting box...didn't know to do this...See step one...

Third, never candled the eggs to see if any of the eggs were really fertile...didn't know to do this at ALL!

My dear sweet Wizzygig has diligently been on these eggs for three weeks and even longer in the nesting box for another week before I put eggs under her and today...


When I can, I will get a picture posted...right now, she is as ferocious as a velociraptor and I can't get close but I did see a broken eggshell and heard the sweetest little peeping...

This is my first rodeo and I am hopping, jumping, singing, and laughing with such joy! YEEE HAWWWW :)
Congratulations!!! :thumbsup

First, didn't move Wizzygig off of the nesting box when she went broody...didn't know to do this until it was too late!

I never do.

Second, put fertilized eggs under her still in the nesting box...didn't know to do this...See step one...

I always do.

Third, never candled the eggs to see if any of the eggs were really fertile...didn't know to do this at ALL!

I never do.

As far as I am concerned you did everything perfectly (left it up to the hen) and you are being justly rewarded.

We like photos but be patient. Trust your hen a while longer. I killed a chick once by picking a broody hen up to see what color the chicks were. Sometimes the chicks crawl up under the feathers or wings. I'll still pick a broody hen up if I need to but I'm now very careful.
Congratulations!!! :thumbsup

First, didn't move Wizzygig off of the nesting box when she went broody...didn't know to do this until it was too late!

I never do.

Second, put fertilized eggs under her still in the nesting box...didn't know to do this...See step one...

I always do.

Third, never candled the eggs to see if any of the eggs were really fertile...didn't know to do this at ALL!

I never do.

As far as I am concerned you did everything perfectly (left it up to the hen) and you are being justly rewarded.

We like photos but be patient. Trust your hen a while longer. I killed a chick once by picking a broody hen up to see what color the chicks were. Sometimes the chicks crawl up under the feathers or wings. I'll still pick a broody hen up if I need to but I'm now very careful.
Thank you....thank you...thank you!

The nesting box is about 18 inches from the coop floor so yesterday I put down another layer of Flock Fresh on the floor, especially under her nesting box, just in case one of the chicks falls out. I am nervous about my other 9 girls because I don't know if they will be aggressive towards the chicks. I am probably going to move Momma and babies tomorrow night into a Rubbermaid tub and bring them into my house...the basement, to be specific because we are going to be spiking triple digits over the next days and the coop is usually 6-7 degrees hotter than the temps outside. I am worried about heat stroke, etc. for Momma as well as babies.
Photos!!!! This is the only one I could see...the chick is a Swedish Flower breed...Wizzygig (Momma) is an Ameraucana...
.how long do I wait for any of the other eggs to hatch?
A couple days is the usual....IF all the eggs were placed under broody at same time and no others were added by keeper or other hens.
...or mama will know when it's time to be done and bring the chicks off the nest.
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A couple days is the usual....IF all the eggs were placed under broody at same time and no others were added by keeper or other hens.
...or mama will know when it's time to be done and bring the chicks off the nest.
As have the best advice!!! I don't have a rooster so all fertilized eggs that I got from a neighbor breeder were put under her on June of tonight, there are now three...I'm thinking tomorrow might bring another 1 or 2. Now, what to do? Pull her and clutch and put them into a made-up brooder to protect and keep safe from my other nine (which I can't rely on as being cordial) or let nature take its course and let Momma fight and defend her babies?
As have the best advice!!! I don't have a rooster so all fertilized eggs that I got from a neighbor breeder were put under her on June of tonight, there are now three...I'm thinking tomorrow might bring another 1 or 2. Now, what to do? Pull her and clutch and put them into a made-up brooder to protect and keep safe from my other nine (which I can't rely on as being cordial) or let nature take its course and let Momma fight and defend her babies?
Once they come out of the nest(put more bedding underneath) she'll find a place(or you could provide one) to settle in with the chicks. I use a floor nest for broodies to use, set up behind a wire wall in coop. Wall gets removed about a week after hatch.
The fights will most likely be between broody and the other hens for pecking order placement, it can be brutal. Chicks are not that often attacked, but they should have a place to shelter. I set up a creep feeder so chicks can eat and drink in peace.



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