Show me your pics of dog kennel runs - and required wrapping


13 Years
Mar 15, 2011
Fort Worth, Tx
I am in the final stages of building my coop and we plan to attach it to a 12x18x6 chain link dog kennel. We plan to wrap it in hardware cloth and are still trying to figure out what we will do for the top cover. I need some examples. If anyone has pictures to show off I would be grateful!

Another question to add - How are you "wrapping the chain link" I cant seem to get my head around how we are going to wrap the HWC and attach it to the chain link. Would zip ties work? Or do we need to get something else?
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Dbounds. Take a look at my setup. More info on my BYC Page, but the top of my run is chainlink. THe problem with this setup is the juncture of the pen to the door has all kinds of gaps.
I will try and get pics tomorrow sense we will be going to do some changes to mine. But we are planning on putting a metal roof on the top of ours. right now it has chicken wire and its sagging. I am using a chain link dog run and the only thing i do not like about it is the gaps from the poles and the door. So I just put a small board on the outside and wire it so it covers the gap. I only do this so my smaller chickens can not get out when they get big enough to where they do not squeeze themselves threw the gap I take it off.

Last edited:'s a pic of my setup. We used 2 (10x10x6) chain link dog kennel runs and attached them. I wanted separate runs so that I could put my (breeding pen) on one side and my friendly egg-layers only on the other!
We used 2 (12x18) tarps over the top and fixed them tight w/ zip ties and a couple of bungie cords. We used 2 umbrella/tent spreaders in the middle of each run to tighten the tension of the tarp & to allow rain & snow to run off as to not accumulate on the tarp (not to mention to offer shade from the scorching sun during the summer months). Seems to be working well for my silkies and ameraucanas...good luck!

Yes, to purchase a new dog kennel run can be quite expensive! We were fortunate to acquire all of our panels used with the exception of one gated sides; however, when I went to purchase it was on sale, so that was a blessing!

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