Show off your house ducks!

This thread is such fun. I HAVE to take our ducks to the beach now. It has been decided.

Our ducks are outdoors, but since the female started sitting, the drake has been rather lonely. I've opened the front door and let him hang out in the tiled foyer, but not on the carpet. I haven't worked out a diaper for him. When I tried putting on a prototype, it was quite the struggle. So I abandoned that effort for now. But he sure was happy and proud when he sneaked around the barricade and got into the kitchen. He told me all about it while I carried him back to the foyer.

As soon as he saw the TV he was captivated, neck stretched out, the inquisitive 'quack quack quack?'. Hilarious!

Scovy Momma- Daisy's begging dance is sooooo funny. Our little girl does a similar thing when she knows I have food, but she obviously needs practice.

Feeder fish are a lot of fun for our ducks. Warning: the following video is not vegan approved!

It's always entertaining watching Soleil chase after swimmies! When she's a good girl she gets to go to the store and get them herself. The people who work there let her eat them there at of a bowl hah. Everyone wants to watch it.
The atleast seem bonded to you. How did they act when you first brought them home?

They were two weeks old when I brought them home and very noisy! They would run away from my hands but fall asleep in my lap. They would cry when I wasn't in sight for the first month or two. I remember for a about a week straight they cried all through the night. I eventually had to sleep on the floor with them tucked under my arm, which was a wreck because I work at 4 am every morning.

They went through phases. First I had to be there when they slept. Then they needed a night light ( they hated the heat lamp, so they used a light up frog lamp). After that they had to sleep in the same room with me with their light! I think around 4 months old they were used to sleeping in their bed alone. I swore I was like a new mother with triplets. So exhausting.

But we have a nice stable routine now, thank goodness.
HHA! LOOPHOLE. The glory of fb.

Here are pictures from the day I brought them home. Think they look two weeks old?


My Daisy gets her crumbles, cracked corn, veggies & fruits. She also steals meat from the dogs & she begs for goldfish crackers. I don't give her many but if given the chance, she would eat a whole box! My folks always make sure to keep a box for her on hand for her visits.

(Video from her hatchday...I know, I sound annoying. I had a cold)
Daisy's little dance is adorable! I'm going to try to get my duck to do that now.

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