Show off your house ducks!


HNNNNG I CAN'T TAKE ALL THE CUTE!! I can't wait until my Calls hatch. I'm looking forward to having my little house ducks. <3
My call duck, Bandit is only 3 days old but I'm so happy to have him/her. We watch movies together (Smokey and the Bandit, of course), we take naps together, and we went out to the ice cream parlour with the family the other night. I can't wait until the duckling diapers fit so we can take Bandit more places :)
At that age it would be better to wait until Pip is done growing. Several makers sell by breed so you can order now and wait for him to grow into it. Have you looked around at some of the makers? Nettie @ Party Fowl on Etsy is a good choice as well as Feathered Fashions and the Goose's Mother. Good luck :)
This is an awesome thread!!!
I enjoyed all the stories and pictures, they're so cute and very helpful. We have a Pitbull, Diesel and a Cayuga, Token :) They are best buds, do everything together and love being with us at all times. Token is outside in the yard with Diesel during the day and come inside at sundown. They hang out in the balcony and come in and out whenever they want; Token has had a few diapers that I made myself. We love them! They are so smart and loving

So exciting to have found this thread!! I'm on the House Chickens thread a lot, but it's quite different having a goose rather than a chicken lol.

Do any of yours go in and out?
Trina was just a house goose until she started exhibiting mating behavior. She would call and call as if her mate was missing, but she had never even known another goose! So DH and I went a few hours away to a goose rescue and found her a mate. We did a little "speed dating" but she mostly just hid behind me. We came home with Pomegranate and after a month they were buddies - not mating, or even really snuggling, but they do everything together. Took some time though, they were both raised as indoor geese, and Pom is a bit of a brute right now, I'm hoping he will warm up to me so he can come inside too! But for now Trina is all outdoors because she is so sad when she's away from Pom, and he's not well behaved enough to come inside.

Day I brought her home

Off to the bookstore!

Not feeling well, went to the vet to get a general health check up, deworming, and some xrays

She's a hoot in the car! She LOOOOVES to put her head out the window just like a dog. But my favorite part are the reactions of other drivers when they realize she's alive! LOL

Riding in the backseat next to her new mate! (He's in a dog crate so they could see each other and they talked a little.

The handsome Pom

I need to get some cute pictures of them together.
So exciting to have found this thread!! I'm on the House Chickens thread a lot, but it's quite different having a goose rather than a chicken lol.

Do any of yours go in and out?
Trina was just a house goose until she started exhibiting mating behavior. She would call and call as if her mate was missing, but she had never even known another goose! So DH and I went a few hours away to a goose rescue and found her a mate. We did a little "speed dating" but she mostly just hid behind me. We came home with Pomegranate and after a month they were buddies - not mating, or even really snuggling, but they do everything together. Took some time though, they were both raised as indoor geese, and Pom is a bit of a brute right now, I'm hoping he will warm up to me so he can come inside too! But for now Trina is all outdoors because she is so sad when she's away from Pom, and he's not well behaved enough to come inside.

Day I brought her home

Off to the bookstore!

Not feeling well, went to the vet to get a general health check up, deworming, and some xrays

She's a hoot in the car! She LOOOOVES to put her head out the window just like a dog. But my favorite part are the reactions of other drivers when they realize she's alive! LOL

Riding in the backseat next to her new mate! (He's in a dog crate so they could see each other and they talked a little.

The handsome Pom

I need to get some cute pictures of them together.

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