Show off your house ducks!

There are members here that sell them... I think @nettie does, but I'm not sure if those are diapered or not

I found some on Amazon, but I'm cautious of buying them, because A) They're meant for chickens, might not even fit ducks, and B) ...Amazon...?
I'm sort of going through the same thing you are, except I didn't really have my heart set on leashes; they would have been rlly nice, but there are other ways to have fun with your ducks.

I've heard of some members on here repurposing dog leashes and harnesses, I would do this with real caution. Ducks aren't designed the way dos are, so I'd be very careful.. I don't think I'd do it that way, too scared of somehow/accidentally hurting them, but other ppl have. Hope u find what we're looking for!
Hi guys! When it comes to leashes, I strongly recommend that you only use stretchy style leashes. I make a style, but any stretchy leash will work okay. The reason why is that when a duck is wearing a diaper harness (or a walking harness of mine), the harness is stretchy. If you use a stiff leash, you could put pressure on the chest/lungs, or the duck could walk right out of the harness, depending on how it fits.I don't post much here these days since I'm making ducky stuff full time, but you are all welcome to our Facebook page. We have a new website and shop coming up soon, but it's still in construction for now. If anyone needs some hekp, please feel free to send me a PM. I get email notifications so I catch most of them.
Hi guys! When it comes to leashes, I strongly recommend that you only use stretchy style leashes. I make a style, but any stretchy leash will work okay. The reason why is that when a duck is wearing a diaper harness (or a walking harness of mine), the harness is stretchy. If you use a stiff leash, you could put pressure on the chest/lungs, or the duck could walk right out of the harness, depending on how it fits.I don't post much here these days since I'm making ducky stuff full time, but you are all welcome to our Facebook page. We have a new website and shop coming up soon, but it's still in construction for now. If anyone needs some hekp, please feel free to send me a PM. I get email notifications so I catch most of them.
Thank u nettie!
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Hey all, if anyone could share experience about having a house duck brood I would be much obliged! Details in this thread but long story short I am trying to get my runner girl brooding to shut her ovulation down completely at the vet's advice, along with a bunch of other stuff (just spent $400 to get her hormone implants today
) If we can get her in to mom mode she'll stop laying for the duration which is good on its own but she'd also be flush with progesterone instead of estrogen, which would be necessary to make a preventative hysterectomy a less risky operation (though we're still trying to avoid that.)

Has anyone done it? I'd be very grateful to learn from your experiences!
Hey all, if anyone could share experience about having a house duck brood I would be much obliged! Details in this thread but long story short I am trying to get my runner girl brooding to shut her ovulation down completely at the vet's advice, along with a bunch of other stuff (just spent $400 to get her hormone implants today
) If we can get her in to mom mode she'll stop laying for the duration which is good on its own but she'd also be flush with progesterone instead of estrogen, which would be necessary to make a preventative hysterectomy a less risky operation (though we're still trying to avoid that.)

Has anyone done it? I'd be very grateful to learn from your experiences!
I don't have house ducks, but I know if you make what she thinks is a good nesting area (maybe a towel wrapped in a circle under a curio cabinet for example) and put a couple golf balls in it and if she does lay an egg there (success) replace it with a golf ball and when she thinks there's enough for a brood, she may sit the "nest".
Hey all, if anyone could share experience about having a house duck brood I would be much obliged! Details in this thread but long story short I am trying to get my runner girl brooding to shut her ovulation down completely at the vet's advice, along with a bunch of other stuff (just spent $400 to get her hormone implants today
) If we can get her in to mom mode she'll stop laying for the duration which is good on its own but she'd also be flush with progesterone instead of estrogen, which would be necessary to make a preventative hysterectomy a less risky operation (though we're still trying to avoid that.)

Has anyone done it? I'd be very grateful to learn from your experiences!
She's not a house duck, though the way I manage them, the Runners are indoor-outdoor ducks. They have a night pen in the walkout basement, and so they spend most days outdoors but in winter, they are virtually houseducks.

So - I wanted to share that once, when Sechs had a prolapse, I got her to the vet, they removed the stuck soft egg and gave her three stitches. I got her home and pulled the curtains to the windows of the night pen (our walkout basement). That way I kept her in a very darkened area to try to prevent laying. When the rest of the flock went out, she stayed in. Well, That day had been quite eventful and I failed to gather three eggs. She gathered them, built herself a nest, and brooded for nearly 3 months. No egg laying. And very healthy duck.
Thank you! I am going to give her back some of her own eggs and we're moving her little bedroom to a darker place in the house. She has always just buried them in bedding and pseudo-forgotten about them; she digs the same nest in the same spot every time, but never really does more. Sometimes I think she's skipped a day but when I change the bedding out I find eggs that were buried before I could find them! I'm going to give her a bunch all at once and see if that doesn't have more impact than a single egg playing peek-a-boo in the pine chips.

I need to decide what I want to do if I do get her to set, too. Give her fertile hatching eggs? Just have her sit awhile then break her? She's my baby so I don't really want to be separated from her because she's being a grumplump but idk what breed I'd give her or have a plan for more ducklings.
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Trudy(aka Mr. Boy) and Sophy....

Two spoiled brats with a TV and pet beds. They have four pet beds that they rotate sleeping on... -.-

And for whatever reason... Trudy is obsessed with sleeping on my fluffy house slippers with his homeboys...

Handsome boy...

Enjoying his feast...Look at his eyes... I have never seen cuter eyes on a Mallard drake...

There is no better master I can serve than Emperor Trudy!
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