Show off your Peas!

I measured my pen for Colbolt again because I measured some of his train feathers and some were almost 4.5' long and I was thinking there is no way for him to be fanning and still have about 1-2' of room on both sides of him so I measured the pen and it was 12'x12'x8'. Now it all makes sense now, also it makes me glad that I gave him that much room. Hoping to get an IB peahen next week. The place I might get White peachicks only has 2 white peachicks so I need to find another person with White peachicks and I might need some more BS chicks. I'm hoping that I can find a place local that has BS and White peachicks.
Time for a snack!



that's so cool I cant wait for mine to get are some pics

they are all whites...thank you Alex Alcona...
very smart guy with his birds also you see some yellow golden chicks in the back that I got from him as well
[COLOR=0000FF]Growing fast and looking good :thumbsup   Pretty babies![/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000FF]I am SO envious of your lush green grassy pen. All vegetation here is dead, dry and crispy this time of year [/COLOR]:/
Thanks guys! Yes, pen is very green, I'm happy with it but I would like to add some more natural perches like logs and so-forth. We've had an unusual amount of rain lately, around 12" in the last month.

Quick question; how do you guys feed? A specific time of day or full feed? If like to control their food so that thru associate it with me and will become more tame but when they're growing this fast I hate to shortchange them. There are lots of weed seeds in my pen, I think they get enough during the day that I'd like to feed just at night so as to gets them to come to me and eventually be able to hand feed them.

Edit: by night I mean evening when I get home from work.
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