show q. white old english


10 Years
Jun 30, 2009
Waverly, NY
These are some real pretty little white old english, my husband said....Lynne....NO! No more bantams.
So I window shop

They're alright....if you like bantams...

Good looking birds! You KNOW you want them....
I do like the bantams , but Ive grown to like the big birds better.

I LOVE your birds. Nice job, how many years have you been breeding the langshans? I was wondering how you got interesteed in that breed. did your family have them? They had a pair up at the show. I thought I took some pictures of them for you, see what you thought about them but when my husbands bee hive split and flew downtown and made the front page of the paper , he borrorwed the camera and kicked a bunch of my pictures out and took lots of that fiasco.. they grouped on a branch on the main street in town 4 ft off the ground. .

I love to look at the pics but sometimes its fun to watch the pics come to life on utube, one guy has some real nice show creles (sp.) over there. I like looking at the contraptions that people come up with to miniimize feather damage These little birds must be hard to keep intact with tails like that. Looks like a lot of work. FUN to look at thou
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Well, that's an interesting question.

I have done them for about 2 years but feel as though I've done them forever. Mr. Beauford was talking me into them, helping me breed them, etc. long before I actually bought them...I got my birds to prove to him that not everyone could do well with the birds and not everyone would fall in love with them. I got the birds for fairly cheap because he wanted to prove me wrong.

The first cockerel died, which was a blessing since he was being dreadful to work with, but the second cockerel, Clyde, was and is amazing. I fell in love with the large size, the gentle ways, the ridiculous antics...darn him. Forrest knew I'd fall for them, but I REALLY wanted to prove to him that not everyone could do them and not everyone loved them.

I doubt that I could ever keep the birds in "mint" condition with those tails. My Minorca...absolutely not unless he were on shavings 24/7. It just seems odd to me that he's able to keep the birds in a rabbit hutch and not have tails that are shred to bits!

I know sumatras though...good Lord. You could do almost anything to those tails and wind up with perfect sickle feathers....

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