show us your duck ponds!!


12 Years
Mar 3, 2007
4 hours from Sydney Australia
Hi , Here is my latest model complete with an old fridge shelf joined at the middle to form a hinge, then covered with shadecloth to make an easy access ramp for the littlies!! they love it!!!
picture of my duck's pond on the link at the bottom page. ha wish I had one that was dug out. We do have one in the woods but the ducks haven't seen it yet, hopefully, they never will as I am afraid they would stay the night there and then predators will find them.
Helen....I just love the little ramp idea! How Cute are those little ones!?? Oh my!! We have a ducks...I lost the last one Friday...coon got her.
Predators have gotten every duck so far....guess I am bound to be duckless.
So, here is my pond....just dont have the ducks.
Oh Deb, that is so sad, did those ducks in the pic get taken?
its such a beautiful pond, can you make an island in the middle or a pontoon? can coons swim?
Its too pretty to go duckless!
Im glad you are back, i was wondering where you were!!
I guess they don't have racoons down your way! I guess you should be considered lucky. Racoons are excellent swimmers and I have heard that they can drown a dog by luring them in the water and getting on their heads. I don't know if this is true or not. Racoons are probably very prevelent everywhere here in the U.S.. They are everywhere, even in the city. They are the biggest thorn to most chicken farmers.
That is very unfortunate for you all. No we dont have racoons here. And yes I always feel grateful for our lack of predators when Im out the back with my pets, I think of what you sweet people have to contend with.

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