Shower thoughts 💭

what IS taste. Like i know there is a scientific explanation but like...what is it? its like, your mouth is like feeling something but not really and your brain says what it should taste like but it happens in your mouth and like EVERYTHING has a taste. If i lick the couch it will taste like couch but what defines what the taste of couch is. And then how to they make artificial flavors? they take chemicals that somehow have the same flavor of the this they're trying to replicate and mix it in but then like, how does that work? Does it have the some stuff as lets just say a banana that your brain would be like, "oh yeah thats a banana"

Sorry if that sounds SOOO dumb. There is probably a ton of stuff to answer all my on a whim "questions" but thats what i was thinking about in the shower and i may or may not have licked a couch just to prove my point and yes it did taste like couch.
After shower thoughts: My hair is normally light brown but it’s almost black when wet.
Does black hair get even darker when wet?

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