Showing Ducks


12 Years
Mar 3, 2007
4 hours from Sydney Australia
Hi all,
I have a poultry show in November in our town.
I would love to enter a couple of white mallards as a (breeding pair).
they arent fully grown yet but still look big enough, they have 1/2 their adult feathers. Now not many people here have this breed so im told, so I would love to enter them.
Will they be too young to enter. I will start training them now if you think they may have a chance.
Even if I enter them just for the purpose of advertising my breeding program and chatting with other duck/chicken enthusiasts in person( wow, that would be novel) im used to chatting online to you guys!
The show is on Nov 18th. so 3 weeks of growing still.
Ill upload a photo in the morning, its dark now!.
I would be Grateful for any hints on showing ducks too!!!
Thanks for any advice.
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The Judges will know what they are and about how old they are...! Don't try to slip one in on them, they know their stuff and "no way" will they be considered adults. Just enter them as young ducks. If not many people there have these or are not familiar with them, that would be recognition enough! Good Luck
Hi thankyou, I would NEVER try to slip one in on them though, I just wasnt sure if young ducks could be shown!!!
Now I know that it may be worth entering juveniles i will do some more research as to show prep etc.

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