Showmanship Tips

Riverbend Farms

Apr 21, 2022
I have a poultry show in 1 1/2 weeks and I want to know the best ways to win it. Some extra info: I have won showmanship before (in a class of 5) and this show is as equally as small I believe. I am showing a Mille Fleur Belgian Bearded D'Uccle pullet. She is trained to pose and I am about to start walking training. I know all the bantam classes and various breeds within them and their varieties. Ex. RCCL, bantam Wyandotte, partridge, black, golden laced, etc. I know a few LF classes (American, Asiatic, and English). I know all the anatomy well except wing anatomy. What are some things I should know? This may have larger classes as flyers for it were passed around at largish poultry show. I really want to win and have been studying the SOP. I am a intermediate/junior by the way. (12-14)
You should be set as the main thing that was asked (to me) was about other breeds within your bird’s class and just general breed knowledge. Although I would highly recommend learning wing and wing feather anatomy as it is quite important and it was asked as well. The overall main thing that the judge is looking for is the handling of your bird. As long as your bird does well and you handle her well, you should do well in that category. I wish you the best of luck! From a senior to a intermediate :)
It took me a while to memorize the parts of the wing so I will give you the associations that helped me remember them.
Primaries: first part of the wing to come out when pulled. Axial: in between primaries and secondaries.
Secondaries second.
Primary coverts.
Bow, front of the wing like the bow on a boat. Bar on wild colored roosters this is a bar of black feathers, it isn’t on other breeds/sexes but you can still see it.
Wing shoulder, shoulders.
The alula is the wing thumb.

Other pieces of anatomy to really impress the judge are the oil gland/uropigium and the nictitating membrane. Sorry if I spelled those wrong but you get the point.

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