Sick baby chick; can't stand, shaking, droopy wings


In the Brooder
May 2, 2022
Hi all, I have a baby chick that is one month old. It has always been a voracious eater.
3/15 Last Sunday, we noticed that its neck feathers were puffed up.
On last Monday, it was very lethargic. After speaking to the lady at the Feed Store we listened to her instructions to give it Enrotex. During this time, we had it next to warm water jugs where it laid. It was eating and drinking a little on its own, and we would give it some boiled egg yolk. We droppere'd more Enrotex in the water to it.
It was lethargic for four days, closing its eyes and lying between the jugs, before it seemingly recovered on Thursday, perking up and running around like usual. We stopped Enrotex on Saturday.
On Wednesday, we also got Durvet, and the Feed Store lady said it was alright to mix with the Enrotex. So, they have been drinking water with Durvet in it from Wed-Sun.
Today, it is lethargic once again, and yesterday on Sunday, we noticed it had droopy wing feathers.

We mixed some Corid for today, and dropper'd it. Its legs have a tremor (checking a video, it also had this when it was sick previously so might not be anything to take note of) and it is very unsteady on its feet. It is also preferring to keeping its head down, and once almost fell over on its head. Although, it is able to keep its head up without help when it wants to. Might have been sleepy/tired?
I'm somewhat hesitant about the Corid now because it has no blood in the poop, despite having fluffed up neck feathers and being very lethargic. Since it can't intake vitamins while on Corid, I don't know if it is the right choice because it may be missing vitamins too.
Any thoughts? The lady said there could be a number of things, such as a cold, etc. I don't know what could cause it to become sick once again.
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Corid is very safe if the chick has coccidiosis. Does it have runny poops? Blood is only seen in a couple of strains of coccidiosis, not all of them. Symptoms of coccidiosis are lethargy, weakness, puffing up or hunching, not eating, and runny poops with mucus or sometimes blood. I would be tempted to treat it with Corid. Dosage is 10 ml (2 tsp) of liquid or 1.5 tsp of the powder per gallon of water for 5-7 days. You can in addition give undiluted Corid 0.1 ml per pound each day for a couple of days. Restart vitamins after Corid is you use it.
Corid is very safe if the chick has coccidiosis. Does it have runny poops? Blood is only seen in a couple of strains of coccidiosis, not all of them. Symptoms of coccidiosis are lethargy, weakness, puffing up or hunching, not eating, and runny poops with mucus or sometimes blood. I would be tempted to treat it with Corid. Dosage is 10 ml (2 tsp) of liquid or 1.5 tsp of the powder per gallon of water for 5-7 days. You can in addition give undiluted Corid 0.1 ml per pound each day for a couple of days. Restart vitamins after Corid is you use it.
I'm just scared if it doesn't have coccidiosis I'd be giving the wrong thing, versus something like vitamins which could be what it needs? I did read that this age is about the time cocci could happen. I also don't want to restart the Enrotex as it is a antibiotic, but if that may be what helps? The lady said 5-7 days, we did 6 days.

It doesn't have runny/bloody poop, but on Saturday we brought all the chicks outside for a few minutes and they may have eaten dirt. That day, they had kind of thick, one solid color green/brown poop. Usually, it would have water and the poop would come out in a "line", but it came out as gooey puddles that day. I thought that could just be because of the dirt, though. Today, their poops are back to normal, even the sick one.
It is lethargic, unsteady on its feet, hunching sometimes, and the neck feathers are all puffed. It is really just the poop that makes me think "what if" it isn't cocci, and I'm treating it with the wrong thing.
It will sporadically eat a little bit on its own, and we handfeed it yolk. We have the powder, so will have to dropper more Corid in throughout the day.
Thank you!
If you have a vet nearby, they could do a fecal float and look for coccidiosis if you bring in a sample of poop. But I would start the Corid.
It seems that the baby chick is completely unable to stand and walk anymore, it stays spawled on it's side, eyes closed, legs out, legs shaking. Over the night it was laying like it was dead (scared me) yet jumped back up and ate a little bit.
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