Sick Chick, went down fast help asap


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 1, 2008
Woodstock, AL
I had 3 little chicks hatch out a week ago today and one died when it was like 4days old and a second one died this morning unexpectedly and now the last one is is weak and I'm not really expecting it to make it.

It has been fine, eating, pooping and drinking normally. We just go back from the store and the light had some how gotten knocked loose and it cooled to 73 however it wasn't for long and this hadn't happened before when the other chicks died. Is there anything I can do to maybe get this little guy to pull through?
Try some PolyViSol without iron in his water(a few drops per quart) and maybe boil an egg and mash it up for him.
Thanks, the chick seems to be doing better today. I'm thinking it might have been just cold but with the others dropping like flys I didn't know what was going on. I wish I knew what happened to them. Anyways When I go out to day I will pick some up.
Um, you know now that you say something about it one of the other chick had some that was a little runny. That chick has passed now. What could that mean? However this last chick has normal poop. I'm not up to date on my poop reading
so it would be nice to know what it could mean.

At that age, if no blood in the poop, if it was runny could be that it was not eating enough.

but keep an eye on this one poop, if you see any signs of blood it could be cocci, get some corid for teh chick and get it started right away.

if it is faomy them could be worms( which i dont think it would be that if they are not outside in teh ground or been around any others that have been outside).

what type feed do you feed it, medicated chick or non-medicated?
The food is medicated. I will keep an eye out on the poop. No blood so I guess that's a good sign not even in the chicks that are gone now. Thanks for being so helpful.

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