sick chick


12 Years
May 14, 2007
I'm new to chickens, but this is my second batch of chicks this spring. The first 12 went fine, not problems.
The second 11, I'm having problems. I got them from a local feed store at 1 week old. They all had runny poop but seemed active and healthy. When I got them home all was OK, I use the same feeders and waterer as the feed store, wood shavings and heat lamps.
After 2 days, one of the smaller birds was looking lathargic (sp) and wings were sagging and the others weren't hanging out around it. The next day it was dead.
Last night I noticed another one with the same symptoms. Last night it pooped a pure white poo. This morning still no change.
Anyone have any idea what the problem might be?
Could they have been sick from the store and just not started to show it till now? or could I have something going through the entire bunch?
Any help would be appriciated. Thanks
We did some research last night and found that it may be something to do with "urates", possibly " Visceral gout". It seems that, if they don't get enough water early on, they develop this. I just wasn't sure if it would show up out of the blue after 11/2 weeks of age.
Of course I don't want to see an animal suffer, but I'm also concerned that it may be something else and may spread to the other birds - although they all seem active and fine. I suppose if that is the case, the damage has already been done though.
Hi, the link didn't work, but while reading up on pullorum

chicks may appear weak and drowsy

this sure sounds like it. The effected chicks, (now 2) never
lay down to sleep but stand up acting drowsy.​
the above link (first description)...the disease is also referred to as bacillary white diarrhea disease ....... I am not diagnosing this but it is very possible ... please have tested if you can or send off the next one that dies (the link to the EZ BYC which is the link you say did not work for you is on the main forum index page here of the thread on where to get a necropsy is in the reference section (you only have 24 hours I think to send it in and you may not put in deep freezer)

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