sick chickens


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 12, 2012
4 chickens, 4 problems. 1st one, the face became swollen. 2nd chicken open her mouth a lot and make a noise while trying to breath. The other two just got skinnier as time pass, one of the two seems to be very active (running around), one just kind of stay one place and looks very sad. Very much appreciate if and advise. thanks a million.
Welcome to BYC from NY
..... I am not sure what is wrong with your I will leave it to the chicken experts to figure out whats wrong.
The noisy breathing and opening beak sounds like she might have a respiratory infection. This would need treating with antibiotics.
The fact that so many of your birds are failing to thrive suggests something else is running them down. Have you wormed them recently? Have you checked for mites and lice?
Thank you for the advises. After reading many posts and went through lotz of sites, she breathe normal now. I am still working on the skinny couple and the one with the swollen face. Cross my fingers everyday. Thnx. Again

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