Sick goose


Mar 19, 2023
Muh goose is sick and I don't know what to do to help her. There isn't any vet close that is familiar with geese but I found someone who was willing to see her. Lungs were clear but she's coughing a bit of wheezing otherwise mostly ok eating drinking still curious and playful. She's just shy of 1 year old White Embden they put her on sulphadived... I'm so sorry I don't really understand how to use this forum well and I'm also autistic I love this goose alot and I don't want to lose her
What is the name of the drug I tried looking up what you spelled and didn't see any antibiotic called that. How long has she been on it?

Can you explain how you keep her what type of bedding she sleeps on what you feed her and does she have a dry coop to sleep in?
She just started the meds this afternoon it's mixed in a gallon of water and I'm just supposed to get her to drink it so right now she's in the house in a kennel and that's her water. I have 2 geese they have a fenced in yard and a little cottage house I keep clean with straw and use Saturday lime. I have 2 ducks as well nobody else sick. We are in Tennessee on top of a mountain and had a huge snowstorm and subzero Temps. The morning after all the snow she sounded like a squeaky toy and a lil wheezy but otherwise fine, I brought all of them in the house in kennels as the temperature became low and icestorm was coming in. They eat hearty hen layer crumble mixed with high protein all flock and organic scratch grains, along with fresh greens as grass is out until spring. So baby kale, cucumbers, radishes, watermelon is given as treats or fancy lettuce but no spinach... I'm probably oversharing 😓 I have aspergers Thank You for halp me


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What is the name of the drug I tried looking up what you spelled and didn't see any antibiotic called that. How long has she been on it?

Can you explain how you keep her what type of bedding she sleeps on what you feed her and does she have a dry coop to sleep in?


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Very precious picture.Thank you for explaining it all so well. I appreciate it.
Since she just started on the meds today Your going to have to give it time to work. And hopefully, it will.
The Saturday lime may have caused her the problem if she inhaled any. Any type of dust can cause wheezing just letting you know in case it isn't a sickness since you say she is eating drinking curious and playful.
I know many on here use Saturday lime and it's okay but dusty feed dusty bedding things like that can cause respiratory distress. Maybe leave off using the lime while she is on this medication just to see how she does.
Listen don't apologize for giving information like you did it was such good info and helps us help you better.

Keep up with what you are doing and let us know daily how she is doing. Thank you.
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Very precious picture.Thank you for explaining it all so well. I appreciate it.
Since she just started on the meds today Your going to have to give it time to work. And hopefully, it will.
The Saturday lime may have caused her the problem if she inhaled any. Any type of dust can cause wheezing just letting you know in case it isn't a sickness since you say she is eating drinking curious and playful.
I know many on here use Saturday lime and it's okay but dusty feed ducky bedding things like that can cause respiratory distress. Maybe leave off using the lime while she is on this medication just to see how she does.
Listen don't apologize for giving information like you did it was such good info and helps us help you better.

Keep up with what you are doing and let us know daily how she is doing. Thank you.
Ty very much for your help. I haven't been using the lime so much since it's winter. It started right after they were out while it was snowing all day but at the vet she coughed pretty hard and had a small amount of blood on her mouth after. But still relatively acting like herself. I've been wondering after reading so much diff information if it could be worms? And just coincidence that it got to this at the snowstorm?
Okay well that doesn't sound good coughing pretty hard and has blood on her mouth. What did the vet say about that? did you talk with the vet about the possibility of worms?
I did but he seemed to think it was more a esophageal inf or irritation he had never seen a goose before so I was honestly glad he would as I live on top of a mountain in nowhereville. He looked her over weighed her felt her neck and listened to her chest and lungs. He seemed to think the meds would work . The closest vet that has seen a goose before is 2 hours away I'm willing to take her but she was stressed in the car and it was 35 min drive. He didn't say anything about worms but I did ask

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