Sick hen not getting better


12 Years
Apr 29, 2007
I posted a few weeks ago about my hen who may have had a heat stroke. She still isn't walking and can't get to the food and water very well. She could stand up a few weeks ago, but not for long. I tried vitamins in the water. I have been putting water and food in front of her face, but I am worried that she'll plop her head in the water and drown, so I move the water after she drinks a bit. I can only get to her in the early morning and after 6 pm, but it's not fair to her. She can't live a normal chicken life. My husband told me this morning that I need to do what is right for her (putting her out of this miserable state), but I don't know how. Any suggestions for how to do this for the weak stomached?
Okay. I read online about it, but I just don't know if I can do this to her. I know she's suffering, but I have never killed anything before. Heck, I get guilt over killing a spider. Someone suggested using a piece of wood against a hard surface (I just don't want to be too graphic for the young and the light stomached). Any suggestions??? Anyone heard of having a bird put to sleep? Cost? I just don't want to mess up and cause her more suffering.
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Well first I would try to give her to someone who might be able to nurse her back to health (I would do it but you live to far.)Then if you cant find anyone i guess you will have to put her down. I am so sorry. :aww
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Wish I could take her. Have you put her in the house to try to keep her cool and mix up the yogurt and chopped eggs and things???? I am so new at all of this, not sure any of this would work. I know my poor babies have been panting and walking around with their wings out. It is pathetic. I'm with you, I don't think I could kill her. I would have to spend the money for a vet to do it. I have been able to get through the natural deaths much better, but don't think I could do it myself.
She's been like this for around 3 weeks. She stands up then goes down. Most times I have found her doing the splits or upsidedown. I have found her upsidedown mostly when I come home from work, so who knows how long she could have been like that. I have fed her egg everyday, but she doesn't really eat it. I have also fed her plain yogurt. I got her vitamins. I have forced water in her with a dropper. I just don't know if she is in pain and I don't think she has a very great quality of life. She is not getting better, but only getting worse. She can only scoot in circles with her wings and when she stands, well, it's either splits or upsidedown. I have tried standing her up and helping her walk daily, but she won't move her legs. I am so depressed about this. She is my favorite RIR - sweet as can be. Loves to be cuddled. She has been in the garage (it is air conditioned) since the day I found her laying down panting in the coop. I built an outdoor run for her so she can lay in the sun, but I make sure she's cool and turn her often (chicken bedsores?!). I do leave her inside while I'm at work since I'm not there to monitor the temperature and give her water with the dropper.

My point is, I am trying to nurse her back to health and she's not getting better. The vet in the area and Mizzou (worthless on their customer service might I add) said she may come back from it or she may not. They said she should get better, but they just didn't know. I just don't want to be cruel anymore and keep her alive just to keep her alive. I want her to be a regular chicken, or one who could be a bit of a regular chicken. Right now, she just lays in one spot unless I move her.

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Call your vet, there is an outside chance the clinic will do it for you. Mine will, didn't know that until I took one for an x-ray.

Its really tough when they do this and we don't have the answers to help them. It sounds like you've tried and are now making the difficult decision to stop her from suffering.
Jackie, first let me say, I am so sorry. I really wish there was some grand advice I could offer to you, to help her recoer. It sounds like its her time to go. If hse had a heat humans, she will probably not recover enough to have a quality life. You can take her to the shouldnt be too much. Maybe 25.00. Call you vet, see how much they might charge. If you can not afford to take her there, the only really quick an ax. I know, it sounds tough...but this is how I end the suffering of my birds. Then I burry them....with a layer of lime on top, and then a cynderblock. So nothing digs them back up. Good luck with your decision...this is never easy.

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