Sick hen not getting better

Thanks everyone. I'm going to call the animal clinic near me Monday morning - they're just so nice there. The doctor just referred me to someone else before since she doesn't see chickens often. She might be able to put her down. I'm going to feed her some greens and melon so at least her last few days will be good. I give her a pet every time I go to the garage - I'm really gonna miss her. Regardless of how sick she has been, she'll always greet me with a chirp and try to get to me. It's just so hard. Thanks again!
i'm so sorry! It sure sounds like you have done all that anyone could do, and letting her go quietly is probably the best thing. If your vet can not perform this for a reasonable cost, you may want to check with your local SPCA, Humane Society, or animal control. They may be able to do it at a reduced cost or for free.

Again, so sorry.

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