sick hen


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jan 12, 2008
Dark and rainy day with state test to occupy my morning with my chickens at home. Finally, at home and with a wet sweatshirt on and my hen is laying in the mud. The rain has made my run a mud hole(duh) but theres already an egg in the box. I pick her up and she does not want to walk or get up at all. I pick her up and put her in the box. At this time I don't know what to do maybe let he stay in there and see if she mite lay another egg. She does about a 30 minutes later but she still does not want to get up and stand. Its 6:00 now and there in the coop now with my cold blocking my nose, its raining, muddy, and with a chicken not standing up at all.
Not a good day with more testing tomorrow and this on my mind. ARGH
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bullydog you might want to get her in the house and dry and warm her up. thats the only help i can offer, you might want to change title from not standing to hen sick need help or something like that.good luck.
my thought as well..
could she just be broody?

does she ruffle up when you approach?
does she fight to keep you from picking her up?

or does she seem ill and weak?
have you taken her away from the nestbox, and set her down?
does she return to the nestbox?

some hens become very docile when broody..others get very feisty.

it's also possible she might need some calcium and treat rickets.

how old is the hen?

will wait for your reply.
Its more like she does not want to get up at all, or move. I go up to her and she does not squirm, ruffle up, or fight. I put her in for the night with a box, shavings, and food. She still has not moved at all or stood up at all, although she has eaten and water.
Sending many wishes that she'll be alright. Thanks for planning to get her help - she does sound unwell since she didn't fuss.
Hope your test goes okay.
has she been wormed?
is she thin?
please describe droppings..color and consistency

even tho she is could still be a nutritional thing.

what all do you feed?

she might just need some vitamins and calcium.

does she have any breath sounds?
wet or swollen eyes?

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