Sick/Lethargic chicken


Dec 1, 2020
Hi everybody, we have a chicken that is very lethargic and seems to be favoring one leg. Any suggestions? We’re not sure if the chicken is sick or injured. There are no visible cuts or injuries on their legs; doesn’t appear to be bumblefoot. It’s been two days. She is just laying around and not really moving. Thanks
How old is she? Can you make sure that she can get food and especially water? Was she vaccinated for Mareks disease? Injuries are very common, and hopefully, that is the problem. Time will tell. Mareks shows up usually in chickens from 5 weeks to a year old. Where are you located?
We live in Ypsilanti MI. The Australorp chicken is 14-15 months old. We bought her at our local Tractor and Supply last spring. Not sure if TS vaccinates chicks for Mareks before selling them? Good question. But it does seem our chickens are likely past the age range - over a year old.
Sadly we lost our Australorp. She died during the night. It feels very sudden. Does Mareks disease take hold that quickly?

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