Sick Rooster


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 22, 2009
We're brand new here at BYC and very glad to have found you all.
We have had free range chickens for about 16 years here in North Carolina. We have an older rooster that has come down sick with these symptoms; lethargy,sneezing,coughing,some difficulty swallowing almost like a semi gasp/choke,(even at rest). He has nodules on his feet but they are not new.
He was perfectly fine up till about 2 days ago and is still eating drinking and crowing.
We know it's hard to diagnose an ailment with this list of symptoms but any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Thank-You very much!!
from Arizona!

I am sure that someone will be able to help you soon.
Thank-you for your response, I don't believe he has any foreign objects in his mouth but he does seem congested. He is a free range rooster as are all my flock so it is difficult to physically examine him closely. His droppings are mostly white and loose. He has never been wormed; all the rest of the flock seems o.k for now. I believe this may be a respriatory infection of some kind. If so, how do I treat that and give him wormer?
It could be a respiratory infection. You might try treating the whole flock with an antibiotic you add to the water. My chickens get what I call a "cold" from time to time but treating with antibiotics in the water cured it right up. You can pick up the powder or liquid form at a feed supply store. Give an update soon and good luck.
Sounds like he either has a virus or a bacterial respiratory infection. You can't treat for a viral one other than the congestion (VetRx) and boosting their immunity (see below). But often times there is a secondary bacterial infection.

I would separate him from the flock, clean all the feeders and waterers and disinfect them. Replace the top bedding at least - where his droplets have spread. Get a little bottle of VetRx and use as directed. You can search here for furthe rinstructions on some good ways to use it. I personally used it under the wings and places where he'll put his head when he rests. Then put some slightly diluted with very warm water on a q-tip, with new q-tips for each place go under his eyes, in the opening in the roof of his mouth, clean each nare (again with a new q-tip with the vetrx on it). That'll help with congestion.

As far as antibiotics, personally I like spot-treatment with injectables. But you might have luck with one for the water. If you use terramycin - or anything ----mycin, don't feed extra calcium products during that time (like dairy anything) and keep it out of the sun.

After your treatment, for a week thereafter be sure to treat with PRObiotics (probios, fastrack from the feedstore, there are some at the petstore, or even human aimed Acidophilus capsules broken into a treat, or plain yogurt - 1 teaspoon mixed in wetted crumbles). You want to replace the good gut bacteria that will unfortunately be killed with the bad bacteria. Especially if you use an oral antibiotics.

I personally don't feel it's necessary to treat the whole flock; they should develope their own immunity. Antibiotics interfere with that process and preclude secondy bacterial problems because of the disruption of normal bacteria. Spot treat, then if you start to get more cases consider blanket treatment.

Good luck!
thank you for responding.

Went to the feed store Saturday and got antibiotic Terra Vet (Oxytetracycline HCI). After doing some research we think it's symptomatic of Laryngotrachietis. Have been giving him the medications, but no improvement as of yet.

Would sulfar medications help?

Thanks to all for the reccomendations,
will keep you updated
Thanks to everyone who responded to my sick rooster. He is not out of the sick-woods yet, but noticeable improvement in his alertness and respiratory problems. We are giving him Terra-Vet and Vi-Tal, but I have not put the Vet-RX on his beak yet. He is an old rooster, very friendly but never been handled. He gets around pretty good but tires easily. He still makes that gaff sound (like a controlled hick-up/cough) and seems to choke when eating. As bad as this all sounds, he really is better than just 3 days ago when I thought he was a gonner for sure. I also bought the Sulmet but should I switch meds now or just stay with what I'm giving him?
Definitely stay with one med until it's complete. Especially since you're seeing results. Do it to the very last day.

Then after you're done, and only then because of the meds you're using, you'll want to use probiotics to replace his gut bacteria. Yogurt, fastrack, probios, acidophilus, etc. Any of those.

If he would be stressed by the VetRx i wouldn't worry about it just yet. Just let the antibiotics have a good long run.

Crossing my fingers for your success!

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