Sick turkey. To eat or not to eat?


Jul 9, 2022
The turkey had been on my radar for about a week as it would slowly walk over for lunchtime, arriving 5 minutes after food had already been given. Found that it never left the coop the other day. Spent a day giving it special care and isolation from the other turkeys. Condition did not improve. 2 days of barely being able to walk. So I decided it was time to cull it. I went ahead and butchered it as normal. The liver was on the pale side for color, not the usual bright dark red. There was foamy secretion coming from the lungs. So I am guessing that the bird got a lung infection of some sort and was slowly loosing the battle.
So, to eat or not to eat? I am pretty sure it is a lung infection. so I don't want to eat any bits around the lungs. None of the organs either. I cut off the legs, wings, and breasts and was thinking of eating those parts and tossing the rest.
What do you all think?
Luckily it seems like no other bird of the 38 turkeys, 11 chickens, nor 3 ducks has gotten sick. Just the one turkey. Fingers crossed their healthy diets and lifestyles keep them all healthy.
I had a tom like that once but he ended up have a plastic cap in his crop. Seemed like food was passing but he just never seemed right. I took his breast and fried it and ground the rest for trapping bait.

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