*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Well, I have to hit the hay. Got to work this evening. Good luck on your critter hunt Java. Good night.
What? you live in a barn??
LOL! good night JD
Sorry Java, didn't see the last post. Things are good, but hectic here. Getting ready to prepare the ground for corn crop, hopefully quite large at that. Also building a turkey pen/house and run.
I wish it was spring here! Can't wait till the critter swaps start up again but at the same time not happy about it ether......
It's not spring here yet. I'm amending the soil with manure plus putting a little commercial fertilizer to boost the fertility . Fortunately the last few days it's gotten up in to the sixties making work bearable. For a weeks we were in the low thirties to low forties, yuck. I'm just glad it hasn't gotten down into the twenties.
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