*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)


For leopard geckos, eggs incubated at 79 degrees produce mostly females, eggs incubated at 90 degrees produce mostly males. I think it is different for each species. Bunny, it was summer for you, so the outside temperature was sufficient to hatch out eggs... here, it is too cold and the temperature fluctuates too much at night to leave them alone, hence the incubator. Should take 60-80 days to hatch.
Last summer I had a guy at my place doing some dirt work. As I was walking around, I noticed a small, white egg in the disturbed ground. I scooped it up and held it in my hand while I supervised the work. About 30 minutes later, I opened my hand to see if I could tell what kind of egg it was. Just as my fingers opened, a little black face poked out and then burst open the egg. It was a two inch long Blue-Tailed Skink! The little guy darted off my hand and hit the ground running. It was a once in a lifetime coincidence.
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For leopard geckos, eggs incubated at 79 degrees produce mostly females, eggs incubated at 90 degrees produce mostly males. I think it is different for each species. Bunny, it was summer for you, so the outside temperature was sufficient to hatch out eggs... here, it is too cold and the temperature fluctuates too much at night to leave them alone, hence the incubator. Should take 60-80 days to hatch.
Yeah, my kids thought we'd need to put the Anole eggs into the incubator, but I pointed out that they had been laid by some sort of native species that hadn't done any real nest-building, so the natural temperature at that time of year would probably be fine. Until they started hatching, we didn't even know what kind of eggs they were (other than some fairly small reptile). The funny thing is, there were probably 20 - 30 of them, and I understand that Anoles generally only lay one or two eggs at a time. Clearly, the spot really appealed to at least one Anole female. The eggs hatched one or two per day, and Baby
had the job of taking the hatchlings out and releasing them.

Good luck with your geckos, blue.

Wisher, that was amazing timing on that skink egg. What a "gee whiz" moment!
If I say that I am retreating to the kingdom for a little peace and quiet, which is that a sadder statement about the current state of - my life, or the kingdom?
'evening ladies.

I'm here...but I'm busy thinking about where to steal me from
silkie chicks from. Daughter and the 4-H thing again.

Yes, I had some...but I traded them for some homemade apple
pies. (It was a good deal at the time.)

That, and I'm busy pondering how to talk my wife into plowing
a bigger garden this year. She's starting to get a little slack in
her old age. (I've got to get all the work out of her now while I can.)

But I'm here...

Spook, the thinking man
My neighbor had some comet chicks the other day.
Thought about it, I did. But he's already counted them.
And I'm pretty sure that even in this small county fair, I
couldn't convince the judge that we have a comet-silkie cross.

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