*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

"The song of angry hens," Baby
? Have you been listening to The Broody Song again?

But oh, geez, if Harvey's been playing with needles . . . .
Maybe that's why Sour got that transfusion of butterfly blood?
s, what Harvey suggested/attempted had nothing to do with needles, and is not fit for your tender thoughts. It was indeed enough to make an old man shudder.

Hmmm, he did have a black leather bag, was wearing surgical gloves, and called, "Where are my nurses?" Perhaps more was planned than I inferred.

I'll take the butterfly blood any day. Mom always claimed that I had been tranfused with rooster blood. Up at daylight and to bed at dusk. Once I entered my 'cockerel years' that all changed.
So, anybody seen JD lately? I was hoping to challenge him to a game of Twister. I've been playing with my tag-team partner, but she's a dragon. She's a good player, but it's much more fun playing with someone who has fur rather than scales (yeouch!). Besides, she has caught, um, I guess you might call it a "hot" in dragons. I'm afraid that if she sneezes, she might incinerate me!
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Talk about embarrassing moments...

There we were, in the middle of Wal-marts,
and my wifes girdle broke. Exploded is more
the word.

There was an elderly man pushing a cart next
to us. The concussion knocked him over.

I just hope he doesn't sue...

Spook...who was watching the whole thing from
a safe distance.
Okay...maybe that didn't REALLY happen...

Would you believe my daughter and I were trying to outdo
the other one in outlandish storys? The truth isn't really a

She's been my daughter a long time...a lot like me is some
ways. I always wanted better for her, but...

We were setting around the kitchen table with her boyfriend
when he farted. Embarrassed the boy. So Hana started...and
told the boy how I farted once and knocked some nic-nacs off
the shelf.

So...I told the kid about how Hana was a baby, and would blow
her blankets off.

Not to be outdone, Hana told him how I blowed my crotch out of
my pants once. (really I tore them on a nail...but almost true)

And we're off...who can tell the biggest lie?

And that's the truth...nothing but the truth.

Spook....who don't be eating no beans.

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