*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

None of you little younglings commented on the wonderful handmade buckets.

Alaskan, our youngers are generally polite to their elders. Just sayin'.

(though not always honest with them)
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Raining, huh? Mayhap that will convince my mother that quitting Bath and journeying to SC isn't as brilliant an idea as she thinks it is! Although, now that I think about it, it' s raining here... Maybe it wouldn't discourage her.

I agree, quit bathing.

It is better for the environment, and saves time.

Bathing is for whiny folks. Those weirdos that use soap, perfume, and hair products
Alaskan (oops! You wanted to be 'he,' didn't you?) "He," you have boys. IME, they generally get whiny because one wants them to use things like soap and hair products.

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