*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Alaskan, did you dance with sparklies...................or were you a sparklie?

By the way, there are no new Christmas decorations up today....chop, chop!
not sure...

Alaskan's memory is a bit foggy, and Alaskan's grip on reality slipped a long time ago.... So, Alaskan has no idea which way things went, dancing with sparklies, being a sparkly, tossing sparklies about......

who knows, not Alaskan

Here, for the Christmas festivities:



and for anyone with tacky impulses:

not sure...

Alaskan's memory is a bit foggy, and Alaskan's grip on reality slipped a long time ago.... So, Alaskan has no idea which way things went, dancing with sparklies, being a sparkly, tossing sparklies about......

who knows, not Alaskan

Here, for the Christmas festivities:



and for anyone with tacky impulses:

Now I know what Sparklies are!...well maybe.....ok now I guess....
Howdy, Yebob!
Long time no see!

One parade down, two to go.

Parade started at 7:30;, the parade route was about a mile and a half. We were walking right behind a float; in front of it was a fire truck. There were a marching band and another fire truck somewhere behind us. I think Syd's brain fell out somewhere along the route; I'm afraid we left it there (along with a few other things). Traffic going and coming home was unreal - I thought we would never get off that island! Arrived home at a little after 11:00, Though bone weary, I was still able to back the trailer in. Did we have fun? I don't know, I'm too tired to know, but we survived.
There was a parade? And I missed it? Did it come by the east wing of the castle? DANG IT!! Why didn't somebody let me know, or at least wake me up.......I love a parade. I bet Santa was there, at the end, waving and throwing candy. Bands, and firetrucks, and twirlers, and, and, .......... oh, man.............

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