*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

yes you can

yes you can............ clean your room?

yes you can...............clean the bookroom?

yes you can FINISH THE BANTAM COOP!!!!!!
Is this another Younger being bullied by you old people? Come over here in the dungeon, chickling, where it's safe from their prune-scented breath and knobbly knees.
Gee, what a thoughtful and helpful vole, to vole-unteer to do all that!

Yes, Tani, that is a younger being being repressed by that most dreadful of Elders, a parent!
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Can I be the head? I always wanted to be in charge!

Is this another Younger being bullied by you old people? Come over here in the dungeon, chickling, where it's safe from their prune-scented breath and knobbly knees.
Prune scented? Knobbly knees? Elders don't drink prune juice or eat prunes any more! We have better food and beverage these days. Of which youngers can't eat or imbibe. And no more knobbly knees what with new miracle knee replacements. Soon we will be Six Million Dollar Elders!
Can I be the head? I always wanted to be in charge!

Is this another Younger being bullied by you old people? Come over here in the dungeon, chickling, where it's safe from their prune-scented breath and knobbly knees.
Prune scented? Knobbly knees? Elders don't drink prune juice or eat prunes any more! We have better food and beverage these days. Of which youngers can't eat or imbibe. And no more knobbly knees what with new miracle knee replacements. Soon we will be Six Million Dollar Elders!

You do know that it is the NECK that is in charge, the head just gets to think that it is in charge.

I drink cranberry juice

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