*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Oh no! Had a friend that had this, she only had one baby, she didn't want to go through that again! I hope this time can be easier..for some reason, just easier.
My dad's mom had that.
Going through it once is plenty. I saw my doctor yesterday, and he seems to be on top of it. I'm not really sick sick yet. I had to go to the ER for fluids on Sunday, but I went before I got so bad I needed to be admitted. I guess the perk of having had this before, is I know when I'm getting to the point. He said if things continue as they are, they'll put in a PICC line and have home health come out and do my IVs. I'm not thrilled at that prospect, so I'm hoping I can go until at least May without it. I promised Lillian I'd go with her on a zoo field trip in April, and we have a week vacation to the beach in May.
The female half of the Alaskan family got to be put on some kind of drug... supposedly safe for pregnancy
... but usually used for Chemo patients, to keep the nausea in check....

It worked well enough that IVs were not needed... It was a big pill... suppository. ....

For other pregnancies the nausea wasn't as bad, and Vitamin B injections helped the nausea TREMENDOUSLY, had to be done once a week.

Just in case
Queen Em hasn't tried those things.
I hope this one goes better Em!
I had it with my first until 5 months in. I became a very skinny pregnant couch potato when not in the bathroom. The next two - nothing.. but energy and talk about hungry!
Zofran would be what you used Alaskan. The one I am already using that hasn't helped.
Also tried Phenergren, Compazine, and Reglan.

I ordered some vitamin B lozenges...Those helped for the first month or so. The problem is, I'm getting sick NOW...I don't think I got sick with Lillian until 10 weeks in. As strange as it sounds, while I'm hooked up to an IV, I feel fine. I can eat, drink, I'm fine. After I am done, one to two hours later I'm throwing up. If I could just stay hooked to an IV 24/7 I'd be awesome.

Blue, you're excused. I know what you've got on your hands.

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