*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

This thread is STILL active?! Holy Moly.
It's been five years! I just logged on after god knows how long of inactivity to show my boyfriend some information on brooding chicks (we just got four California Whites to restart a flock) and decided to check in and see if this thread was still around. Ironically, my thread about thread killing has apparently survived long after my departure from BYC.
505! O M G!

I was just thinking about you yesterday; wondering how you are doing. Yes, indeed, your Hi-jacked thread lives on. It has become the flagship of Em's little Kingdom. Members have come and gone, and other threads have come and gone; there have been many changes in many lives, but this thread refuses to die. You should be proud . . . . . . . . . I think.
505 ! Your hi-jacked thread has been transformed into a Kingdom of misfits and miscreants. We thank you for the initial burst of life.
Oh man it's good to see so many familiar faces. Er. Usernames.
It's been so long! I'm glad to see the moat and the cretins it was built to keep out are still kicking.

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