*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

You attract other youngers and lure them to the thread. This is crucially important to the survival of the kingdom, as the denizens need something to feed on in the deep dark waters of the moat.

However, it is also quite dangerous-- both the original sparkle magnets of the thread (myself and Eenie) ended up married to various sparkles. YMMV.
[/QUOTHi, 'all grown up' Tani. Eenie, too ! Wow. It seems like just days ago the two of you were wearing your buckets. Congratualtions, again, and to eenie.

I think you're just jealous Alaskan, because YOU weren't called good.

@speckledhen said I was a paragon of virtue. That's what I heard, and I'm sticking to it. :yesss:

Queen Em :bow :bow :bow are you taking your meds ?

Thank you for the bucket. If I put it on, will sourland push me into the moat because I can't see?

No, you are safe. 'Al' is right. I think we will keep you.
Ok, now that I am caught up...HELLO!!! It is so good to "see" everyone again. I had make a new account and, thus, lost all my accoutrements that get displayed under my profile pic. I am apparently a hatchling again. :he

Hi to all the new youngers! Tani, I cannot believe you are now married and have gotten old enough to have crows feet! (maybe check the Queen's kitchen for the rest of the crow)

Queen EM!!!! :bow:bow:bow You have been sorely missed!!! And MFB, I know you have been doing your best to keep her in line. :oops:

Sour, Alaskan, Blue it is great to reconnect with all of you. It's been a while!!

I'm off to do something about that horrid profile O. :sick

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