*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

The sinking with style sounds good, but what about the not breathing while down there? Been through that twice and it ain't a pretty situation.
Well, I don't know everything like Aqua Eyes but.....
I was thinking that eating beans (and maybe some raw cabbage) a few hours before going in the water, would most definately cause you to float.

I've not tried this myself but it seems like a scientifically sound hypothesis.

Beans and raw cabbage. Yuck. But if you really want to float, Spook, you should try to eat a ton of beans and cabbage, and maybe, you will float.
I used to practise holding my breath underwater. It was a blast.
I couldn't seem to top one minute though, which was a great peril to my ten-year-old self who was trying to beat her friends' times.
ray's two cents :

I used to practise holding my breath underwater. It was a blast.
I couldn't seem to top one minute though, which was a great peril to my ten-year-old self who was trying to beat her friends' times.

I used to do the same thing. I'm not sure if I really cleared a minute of my timekeeper (my aunt) just lied so I would stop trying.

I refused to give up.....would turn purple....may explain a few things about Taz.

My little dreams came true when my friend gifted me with a waterproof watch. I would use that all the time in the bath.
ray's two cents :

I used to practise holding my breath underwater. It was a blast.
I couldn't seem to top one minute though, which was a great peril to my ten-year-old self who was trying to beat her friends' times.

Have you ever heard of Louis Zamperini? He was a track guy, almost won the olympics, fought in WWII, but before all that, he would go down to the community swimming pool, and practice holding his breath, resulting in that he could hold his breath for a bit over 4 minutes, and he got pulled from the bottom of the pool a lot.​
Have you ever heard of Louis Zamperini? He was a track guy, almost won the olympics, fought in WWII, but before all that, he would go down to the community swimming pool, and practice holding his breath, resulting in that he could hold his breath for a bit over 4 minutes, and he got pulled from the bottom of the pool a lot.

Courage. I would panic like heck as soon as I started to run out of air.

You all have too much time on your hands!!! How many pages since yesterday??? What's this I hear of Tani borrowing my candiru???

Spook, I think I know the reason you sink... you are so muscular (and we all know that fat floats, so therefore your body must have a greater muscle to fat ratio than most).

Either that or since you say that you are square-shaped, maybe cubes sink???

You can't really be only 5 feet tall? I'm 5'4"...

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